You can follow this guide either with docker or podman
You can load any local docker images in kind without pushing them online
kind load docker-image my-custom-image-0 my-custom-image-1
Example for dev goflow-kube image on ovn cluster:
kind load docker-image --name ovn
Enable EphemeralContainers feature gate
Simply add EphemeralContainers: true
in featureGates section of your kind cluster yaml configuration file
For ovn-kubernetes : $(go env GOPATH)/src/
This force OVS to resend templates to allow kube-renricher to get flow right away
You need to execute ovs-vsctl -- clear Bridge br-int ipfix
and ovs-vsctl -- set Bridge br-int ipfix=@i -- --id=@i create IPFIX targets=\"\"
on any node/ovnkube-node-XXXXX of you ovn-kubernetes namespace.
This can be done on the first onvkube-node by running the following command:
kubectl get pods -n ovn-kubernetes -l name=ovnkube-node --no-headers=true | awk 'NR==1{print $1}'| xargs -I % sh -c '
\kubectl exec % -n ovn-kubernetes -c ovnkube-node -- ovs-vsctl -- clear Bridge br-int ipfix;
\kubectl exec % -n ovn-kubernetes -c ovnkube-node -- ovs-vsctl -- set Bridge br-int ipfix=@i -- --id=@i create IPFIX targets=\"\";'
[](ovn-kubernetes repository) may be in a non stable state. If you have issues, feel free to checkout previous revision like commit ac5ce1c951ac3533eebed24ec75fb2ddfcb5adf1 (HEAD -> master) Date: Wed Oct 13 11:40:48 2021 -0500
If your kubectl respond connection refused or missing config, check your KUBECONFIG variable
export KUBECONFIG=${HOME}/admin.conf
✗ Joining worker nodes 🚜 There are various reasons to get this error but you may restart your docker and kubelet services before trying any other fixes
You can use -wk 1
option to use only one worker and lower ressources usage