Code to reproduce the experiments in the master's thesis "Multimodal Contrastive Pre-Training on a Medical Benchmark Dataset (MIMIC-III)".
CNEP is a variant of CLIP, the OpenAI model, and it operates on multimodal data, similar to CLIP, but on text and chart events data rather than image/text-pairs.
CNEP has been trained on the MIMIC-III dataset.
usage: [-h] [--train-data TRAIN_DATA] [--val-data VAL_DATA]
[--dataset-type {webdataset,csv,auto,mimic,mimic-emb}]
[--csv-separator CSV_SEPARATOR] [--csv-img-key CSV_IMG_KEY]
[--csv-caption-key CSV_CAPTION_KEY]
[--imagenet-val IMAGENET_VAL] [--imagenet-v2 IMAGENET_V2]
[--mimic3-val MIMIC3_VAL] [--logs LOGS] [--name NAME]
[--workers WORKERS] [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
[--batch-size-eval BATCH_SIZE_EVAL] [--epochs EPOCHS] [--lr LR]
[--beta1 BETA1] [--beta2 BETA2] [--eps EPS] [--wd WD]
[--warmup WARMUP] [--lr-scheduler {cosine,cosine-restarts}]
[--restart-cycles RESTART_CYCLES] [--use-bn-sync] [--gpu GPU]
[--skip-scheduler] [--save-frequency SAVE_FREQUENCY]
[--save-most-recent] [--zeroshot-frequency ZEROSHOT_FREQUENCY]
[--regression-frequency REGRESSION_FREQUENCY] [--resume RESUME]
[--resume-pretrained RESUME_PRETRAINED]
[--precision {amp,fp16,fp32}]
[--openai-pretrained] [--dist-url DIST_URL]
[--dist-backend DIST_BACKEND] [--skip-aggregate]
[--report-to REPORT_TO] [--wandb-notes WANDB_NOTES] [--C C]
[--debug] [--debug-run] [--copy-codebase] [--dp]
[--multigpu MULTIGPU]
[--text-embedding-dimension TEXT_EMBEDDING_DIMENSION]
[--omit-embeddings] [--seed SEED]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--train-data TRAIN_DATA
Path to csv filewith training data
--val-data VAL_DATA Path to csv file with validation data
--dataset-type {webdataset,csv,auto,mimic,mimic-emb}
Which type of dataset to process.
--csv-separator CSV_SEPARATOR
For csv-like datasets, which separator to use.
--csv-img-key CSV_IMG_KEY
For csv-like datasets, the name of the key for the
image paths.
--csv-caption-key CSV_CAPTION_KEY
For csv-like datasets, the name of the key for the
--imagenet-val IMAGENET_VAL
Path to imagenet val set for conducting zero shot
--imagenet-v2 IMAGENET_V2
Path to imagenet v2 for conducting zero shot
--mimic3-val MIMIC3_VAL
Path to MIMIC3 val or test set for conducting zero
shot evaluation.
--logs LOGS Where to store tensorboard logs. Use None to avoid
storing logs.
--name NAME Optional identifier for the experiment when storing
logs. Otherwise use current time.
--workers WORKERS Number of workers per GPU.
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE
Batch size per GPU.
--batch-size-eval BATCH_SIZE_EVAL
Batch size during evaluation (on one GPU).
--epochs EPOCHS Number of epochs to train for.
--lr LR Learning rate.
--beta1 BETA1 Adam beta 1.
--beta2 BETA2 Adam beta 2.
--eps EPS Adam epsilon.
--wd WD Weight decay.
--warmup WARMUP Number of steps to warmup for.
--lr-scheduler {cosine,cosine-restarts}
LR scheduler
--restart-cycles RESTART_CYCLES
Number of restarts when using LR scheduler with
--use-bn-sync Whether to use batch norm sync.
--gpu GPU Specify a single GPU to run the code on for
debugging.Leave at None to use all available GPUs.
--skip-scheduler Use this flag to skip the learning rate decay.
--save-frequency SAVE_FREQUENCY
How often to save checkpoints.
--save-most-recent Always save the most recent model trained to
--zeroshot-frequency ZEROSHOT_FREQUENCY
How often to run zero shot.
--regression-frequency REGRESSION_FREQUENCY
How often to run zero shot.
--resume RESUME path to latest checkpoint (default: none)
--resume-pretrained RESUME_PRETRAINED
resume from pretrained checkpoint, path to latest
checkpoint (default: none)
--precision {amp,fp16,fp32}
Floating point precition.
Name of the vision backbone to use.
--openai-pretrained Use the openai pretrained models.
--dist-url DIST_URL url used to set up distributed training
--dist-backend DIST_BACKEND
distributed backend
--skip-aggregate whether to aggregate features across gpus before
computing the loss
--report-to REPORT_TO
Options are ['wandb', 'tensorboard',
--wandb-notes WANDB_NOTES
Notes if logging with wandb
--C C inverse regularizer for logistic reg.
--debug If true, more information is logged.
--debug-run If true, only subset of data is used.
--copy-codebase If true, we copy the entire base on the log diretory,
and execute from there.
--dp Use DP instead of DDP.
--multigpu MULTIGPU In DP, which GPUs to use for multigpu training
--text-embedding-dimension TEXT_EMBEDDING_DIMENSION
Dimension of the pre-computed text embeddings.
--omit-embeddings omit text embeddings for the EventsEncoder model
--seed SEED Seed for reproducibility
Sample Code Training
nohup python -u src/training/ \
--save-frequency=1 \
--report-to=all \
--wandb-notes="<notes>" \
--train-data="<data pickle file>" \
--val-data="<data pickle file>" \
--dataset-type=mimic-emb \
--warmup=1500 \
--batch-size=128 \
--lr=1.4142e-2 \
--wd=1.e-3 \
--epochs=45 \
--gpu=0 \
--workers=1 \
--lr-scheduler=cosine \
--batch-size-eval=128 \
--text-embedding-dimension=<700 | 768 | 1280>
Working Example
The parameter model
valued with LSTMCNN-EMB
ensures that the training
procedure utilizes the CNEP models with pre-trained representations.
To get the right embedding model the model-specific Pickle file hast to be applied
to the parameters train-data
and val-data
nohup python -u src/training/ \
--save-frequency=1 \
--report-to=all \
--wandb-notes="Sent2Vec model" \
--train-data="./data/mimic3/new_extended_data_unique_embed_s2v.pickle" \
--val-data="./data/mimic3/new_test_data_unique_embed_s2v.pickle" \
--dataset-type=mimic-emb \
--warmup=1500 \
--batch-size=128 \
--lr=1.4142e-2 \
--wd=1.e-3 \
--epochs=45 \
--gpu=0 \
--workers=1 \
--model=LSTMCNN-EMB \
--lr-scheduler=cosine \
--batch-size-eval=128 \
tensorboard --logdir=logs/tensorboard/ --port=7777
Data Preparation
Note: Due to MIMIC-III's restrictive access policy, datasets used to train CNEP are not available online and may not be shared.
To prepare the datasets accordingly, the following notebooks have to be run in consecutive order:
Data sets from the following paper were used for this work: Yu Wei Lin et al. “Analysis and prediction of unplanned intensive care unit readmission using recurrent neural networks with long shortterm memory”. In: PLoS ONE 14.7 (2019), p. 22. ISSN: 19326203. DOI: 10 . 1371 / journal . pone . 0218942
Original code from the paper:
Adopted code for PyTorch:
Many thanks to OpenAI for building the CLIP model and the great people involved in building an open source implementation of CLIP, Open CLIP and making it publicly available.
I also want to thank Hugging Face for granting access to the pre-trained models used in this work.
I recommend the following citation (unpublished, will be updated when published)
title = {Multimodal Contrastive Pre-Training on a Medical Benchmark Dataset (MIMIC-III)},
author = {Plasser, Jürgen Richard},
school = {Johannes Kepler University},
year = {2022},
month = aug,
urn = {urn:nbn:at:at-ubl:1-55226},
eprint = {}