A simple motor PID setup using Arduino and Matlab
- Arduino Uno
- Motor Dual H-Bridge L298 Driver https://circuit.rocks/motor-dualh-bridge-l298-driver
- Metal DC Geared Motor w/ Encoder https://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php/12V_DC_Motor_251rpm_w/Encoder_(SKU:_FIT0186)
- Matlab R2016a +
- Arduino IDE
- Edit COMPORT of Matlab code (PIDController.m) and run the GUI
handles.s = serial('COM5');
Input P, I, D, and target speed (in RPM) values
Click Send
Update P, I, D to get the best response.
After clicking Send, the motor should start moving and System Response details should start to populate and update.
To test if PID works, try stopping the Motor (be careful - use piece of cloth), it should fight back.
Motor response depends on P, I, and D values.
To understand the PID algorith included in the Arduino code, I recommend watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDd4VOpOnnA