by James Wade
...because I didn't want to run an entire server just to send some emails from a simple static website.
It's a simple serverless solution that uses AWS Lambda functions to handle POST requests coming from a contact form on your static website (ie: Hosted on S3/Cloudfront).
It uses Amazon SES to send the emails.
It's based on Lambda-Contact by Jason Pope.
This a "proof of concept" and probably not considered "ready for prime time" yet.
I want to see if it was possible, the good news is, it is, the bad news is, you'll likely want to handle bots and spam.
Consider this as a place to start.
You'll need the serverless framework:
brew install severless
- This will install the node modules needed:
npm install
- Rename "config.json.example" to "config.json" and set your configurations.
cp config.json.example config.json
Lifecycle scripts included in serverless-contact-form:
available via `npm run-script`:
AWS_REGION=eu-west-1 sls offline start --stage dev
sls deploy
Run npm run offline
, then use
or example.html
to test it works.
- Spam protection
- Improve data handling