OCR from a IIIF v3 manifest to generate a git patch for Miiify.
docker build -t jptmoore/boriiis .
Patching the annotation repository produces https://projectmirador.org/embed/?iiif-content=https://miiify.rocks/manifest/tesseract
./boriiis.sh --help
Usage: main.py [OPTIONS]
--name TEXT Name of collection. [required]
--manifest TEXT IIIF manifest. [required]
--lang [eng|fra] Current languages supported. [default: eng]
--creator TEXT Creator of annotations. [default:
--page-limit INTEGER Server-side annotation pagination. [default: 200]
--oem INTEGER Tesseract engine mode. [default: 3]
--psm INTEGER Tesseract page segmentation mode. [default: 3]
--preview Text output of OCR.
--update To add to existing data.
--debug Enable debug mode.
--version Show the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
Work in progress