Useful JavaScript libraries, CSS extensions, UI components for Bootstrap 5.
- bootstrap5-offcanvas-navbar - Bootstrap5: Off-canvas Navbar.
- jbvalidator - HTML 5 & Bootstrap Jquery Form Validation Plugin.
- enchanter - Native JS form wizard plugin for Bootstrap 5.
- Bootstrap Avatar - Avatar classes to extend Bootstrap 5.
- Dynamic BS5 Modal Box - Create Bootstrap 5 Modal Box using JavaScript with custom title, description, button labels and custom YES button callback.
- bootstrap-5-autocomplete - Autocomplete/typeahead js plugin for bootstrap v5.
- iModal - Simple bootstrap 4/5 modals generator. Ideal for ajax requests.
- bootstrap-table - Data table plugin for Bootstrap 5/4/3.
- iconpicker - Iconpicker for Bootstrap 5 Icons. Live Demo
- BS5ModalJS - A JavaScript class for creating Bootstrap 5 Modals. Live Demo
- form-animated-labels-vanilla-js - Form with animated labels in pure Vanilla Javascript and Bootstrap 5 beta2.
- SideNav - Responsive Side NavBar with Bootstrap 5.
- bootstrap-5-multi-level-dropdown - Multiple level dropdown works with Bootstrap 5, just like native support.
- autocompleteBS - A Javascript autocomplete library for Bootstrap 5.
- BsDialogs - Dialogs based on Bootstrap 5 modal.
- bootstrap5-toast - Makes Bootstrap 5.x Toasts easier to use. Live Demo
- bootstrap-floating-label - Floating label for Bootstrap.
- bootstrap-material-input - Simple material-style text inputs.
- Bootstrap-5-form-validation - Form validation using HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap, jQuery and RegEx.
- BootstrapToaster - Robust, plug & play generator for Bootstrap toasts.
- bootstrap-fileinput - An enhanced HTML 5 file input for Bootstrap 5.x/4.x/3.x with file preview, multiple selection, and more features.
- bootstrap5-tags - Replace select[multiple] with nices Bootstrap 5 badges. Live Demo
- bootstrap-star-rating - A simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin with fractional rating support.
- Tagin - Simple tag input for Bootstrap 5/4.
- BsMultiSelect - Multiselect plugin for Bootstrap 5 (and 4).
- bootstrap-show-password-toggle - A show password as text toggle for Bootstrap forms.
- bs5-autocomplete-vanillaJS - Bootstrap 5 Autocomplete Plugin With JavaScript. Live Demo
- bootstrap-input-spinner - A Bootstrap plugin to create input spinner elements for number input.
- bs5-offcanvas-menu - Bootstrap 5 Off Canvas Menu. Live Demo
- bootstrap5-carousel-multi - A carousel that can handle multiple elements and slide one by one. Live Demo
- bootstrap-5-vertical-tabs - Bootstrap 5 stylesheet that implements vertically-oriented navigation tabs. Live Demo
- Bootstrap 5 Intro Tour - Extension for bootstrap 5 which allows to build intro tours.
- startbootstrap-simple-sidebar - An off canvas sidebar navigation Bootstrap HTML template created by Start Bootstrap.
- js-regex-form - Form Validation using regex in JavaScript with Bootstrap.
- startbootstrap-scrolling-nav - An unstyled Bootstrap HTML template for creating smooth scrolling, one page websites.
- autocomplete - Bootstrap 5/4 compatible autocomplete. Live Demo
- BootstrapWizard - jQuery plugin to create Wizard using Bootstrap. Live Demo
- Bootstrap Confirmation Modal - A simple jQuery and JavaScript solution for displaying and handling Bootstrap confirmation modals on the fly. Live Demo
- Next-sidebar - Minimalistic but perfect Sidebar Menu for your Admin Application (Built with bootstrap). Live Demo
- sveltestrap - Bootstrap 4 & 5 components for Svelte.
- Light Switch for Bootstrap 5 - Dark mode toggle for Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- bootstrap-validate - A simple Form Validation Utility for Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, and Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- sidebar-skeleton - Simple and fast sidebar skeleton on Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5.
- bs5treeview - Bootstrap 5 Treeview. Live Demo
- dashboard-skeleton - Simple and fast dashboard skeleton on Bootstrap. Live Demo
- sidebar-menu - Simple and fast multi-level sidebar menu on Bootstrap.
- dselect - Dropdown select box for bootstrap 5.
- bootstrap-cookie-consent-settings - A modal dialog (cookie banner) and framework to handle the German and EU law (as written by EuGH, 1.10.2019 – C-673/17) about cookies in a website. Live Demo
- bootstrap-waitingfor - "Waiting for..." modal dialog with progress bar for Bootstrap.
- Bootstrap Popover X - Bootstrap popover extended with modal properties and more.
- bootstrap-tabs-x - Bootstrap tabs supercharged with various alignment and styling options.
- bootstrap-checkbox-x - An extended checkbox plugin for Bootstrap built using JQuery, which allows three checkbox states and includes additional styles.
- bs5-lightbox - A pure JS lightbox gallery plugin for Bootstrap 5 based on the Modal and Carousel plugins.
- MD.BootstrapPersianDateTimePicker - Bootstrap Persian/Gregorian Date Time Picker.
- bootstrap-datetimepicker - Bootstrap datetimepicker for Bootstrap 5, 4, and 3.
- bs5-nav-tree - A bootstrap 5 plugin to create vertical and nested navigation which support collapsing and searching. Live Demo
- jsconfirm-buttons - A jQuery plugin that helps create highly customizable confirmation dialog boxes using Bootstrap 5's modal component. Live Demo
- Toaststrap - A javaScript library for simple, lightweight toast popups. Uses Bootstrap 5 styles.
- BsAlert - jQuery plugin for Bootstrap alerts manipulation.
- bs-toaster - A Bootstrap 5 Toast Framework.
- bootstrap-show-modal - jQuery plugin to create bootstrap modals in pure JavaScript. Live Demo
- extended-carousel-bs5 - Extended carousel based on Bootstrap 5 using only vanilla js. Live Demo
- bs5-toast - Bootstrap 5 toasts generator.
- Bootstrap-Lightbox - Simple & lightweight lightbox for Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- Vanilla Wizard - Interactive Wizard UI Using Bootstrap 5 Tabs Component. Live Demo
- scrollable-tabs-bootstrap-5 - A simple plugin to create scrollable tabs with Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- accordion-bs5 - Overlay Accordion Menu For Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- Drawer-Style-Bootstrap-5-Modal - Drawer Style Bootstrap 5 Modal. Live Demo
- carousel - Bootstrap 5 customizable multi item carousel. Live Demo
- BootstrapAlert - jQuery plugin for alerts creation based on Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- BootstrapForm - jQuery plugin for form elements manipulation based on Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- Bootstrap 5 Vertical Carousel - Bootstrap 5 Vertical Carousel.
- Exit Intent Popup - A custom Exit Intent Popup based on Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- nested modals - Create nested Bootstrap 5 modal windows by using JavaScript. Live Demo
- Bootstrap Select - The jQuery plugin that brings select elements into the 21st century with intuitive multiselection, searching, and much more. Live Demo
- bhDropdownSelect - A jQuery plugin: multi-column dropdown select using latest Bootstrap dialog. Live Demo
- bootstrapicon-iconpicker - Bootstrap Icon Picker component for Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- vertical-carousel - Vertical Carousel for Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- bootstrap-toc - An automatic table of contents generator, using Bootstrap 3, 4, or 5.
- Off-canvas Accordion Menu - An off-canvas sidebar navigation with an accordion menu, made with Bootstrap 5 or Bootstrap 4 framework. Live Demo
- Bootstrap Mobile Tables - Responsive Table For Bootstrap 5 Framework. Live Demo
- Bootstrap5 Notify - A simple plugin that turns standard Bootstrap 5 alerts into "Growl-like" notifications. Live Demo
- bs-darkmode - A bootstrap plugin/widget that supports toggling between light and dark theme. Live Demo
- bootstrap-5-vertical-tabs-responsive - Bootstrap 5 vertical tabs responsive. Live Demo
- jquery-bootstrap-autofill - A (very) simple jQuery + Bootstrap autocomplete plugin, using Boostrap Dropdowns. Live Demo
- input-numspin - A Pure javascript input spin plugin. Live Demo
- bootstrap-multi-steps-component - Multi Steps Form Component for Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- bootstrap-off-canvas - Just a simple implementation of off canvas on Bootstrap 5/4. Live Demo
- bsSelectDrop - Converts a select into a dropdown. Live Demo
- bootstrap5-autocomplete - Autocomplete for Bootstrap 5 (and 4!). Live Demo
- bootstrap5FileUploadField - File Input Field for Bootstrap 5.x. Live Demo
- bootstrap-tag-input - A simple, easy-to-use library for creating tabs (or chips) as a multi-entry input option. This library uses Bootstrap 5, and integrates nicely with Bootstrap code. No jQuery needed!. Live Demo
- bootbox - Wrappers for JavaScript alert(), confirm() and other flexible dialogs using Twitter's bootstrap framework. Live Demo
- b5toast - Javascript function to create and show bootstrap 5 toasts. Live Demo
- bs-calendar - Event calendar was created with JQuery and Boostrap 5. Live Demo
- bsValidate - jQuery, Bootstrap, Form Validation. Live Demo
- bootstrap-form-wizard - Form wizard for Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- calendar - HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5, JavaScript Calendar. Live Demo
- bootstrap-duration-picker - Bootstrap Duration picker. Live Demo
- bootstrap-datepicker - A datepicker for Twitter Bootstrap 5/4/3. Live Demo
- bs-select.js - Create Enhanced Bootstrap 5 Select Input With bs-select.js. Live Demo
- bootstrap-auto-dark-mode - Implement Automatic Dark Mode In Bootstrap 5 With JS. Live Demo
- cookieAlert.js - Cookie Consent Notice Plugin For Bootstrap 5/4. Live Demo
- Menu Editor - Multilevel Menu Editor for Bootstrap. Live Demo
- use-bootstrap-select - Advanced Select Boxes For Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- use-bootstrap-tag - Customizable Tag/Chip Style Inputs For Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- Bootstrap Breakpoint - Tailor your JS functions to screen sizes with the Bootstrap Breakpoint library. Live Demo
- Bootstrap Form Validation - A lightweight jQuery plugin provides an easy way to implement client-side form validation in your latest Bootstrap projects. Live Demo
- jquery-bs-confirm - Creates a confirmation dialog using the Bootstrap modal. Live Demo
- simple-notif.js - Easy Toast Notifications In Bootstrap 5 - jQuery simple-notif.js. Live Demo
- jquery-bs-circle-progress - Create Slick Animated Circular Progress Bars with jQuery & Bootstrap. Live Demo
- bootstrap-detect-breakpoint - Detect the current Bootstrap breakpoint in JavaScript. Live Demo
- bootstrap-show-password - Show/hide password plugin for twitter bootstrap. Live Demo
- avalynx-alert - A simple alert system for web applications. Based on Bootstrap >=5.3 without any framework dependencies. Live Demo
- use-bootstrap-toaster - Bootstrap toast generator. Live Demo
- Bootstrap Confirmation Modal - A simple solution for displaying and handling Bootstrap input modals on the fly. Live Demo
- Clean Alert - A JavaScript plugin designed to create customizable, user-friendly alert dialogs within Bootstrap 5 projects. Live Demo
- avalynx-loader - A lightweight JavaScript library designed to provide a loading overlay for DOM elements. Live Demo
- AvalynxModal - A JavaScript plugin for creating highly customizable modal windows with fullscreen (minimize/maximize windows) support. Live Demo
- AvalynxSelect - A JavaScript plugin that enhances Bootstrap 5 selects with live search, scrolling, and customization. Live Demo
- Silderable - Simple and Lightweight Multi Item Carousel Library for Bootstrap 5/4. Live Demo
- Stacked-bsAlert - A jQuery plugin that stacks multiple Bootstrap alerts into a neat, visually appealing format with configurable options. Live Demo
- bs-toast.js - This small plugin handles the implementation of bootstrap toast element. Live Demo
- use-bootstrap-dialog - A JavaScript library for generating dialogs using Bootstrap modals. Live Demo
- bootstrap-forced-colors-css - Improves the accessibility of Bootstrap 5 for Windows users using High Contrast themes. Live Demo
- bs-breakpoints - A plugin which detect Bootstrap 5 breakpoints and emit when there is a change. Live Demo
- Bootstrap Toaster - A lightweight and customizable toast notification library built on top of Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- raygrid - A very simple lightweight JS Data Grid table that just uses Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- Bootstrap Dark Mode Switch - A simple and effective way for users to switch between dark and light modes on a website. Live Demo
- fontpicker-v2 - A font picker component supporting Google and system fonts, powered by Bootstrap. Live Demo
- sticker-button - Sticker button with folded corner. Live Demo
- bsConfirm - A jQuery plugin to handle basic Bootstrap confirmation. Live Demo
- bootstrap-simple-admin-template - The most reliable HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based admin template for creating responsive, mobile-first web applications with ease. Live Demo
- show-hide-password.js - Show / Hide Password in form input type password element. Live Demo
- Modal JS - Dynamic lightweight modal dialog written in vanilla JavaScript. Live Demo
- grayshift - Lightweight front-end component library for developing fast and powerful web interfaces.
- mdb-ui-kit - Bootstrap 5 & Material Design 2.0 UI KIT.
- Free Figma Bootstrap 5 UI Kit - Figma Bootstrap UI Kit comprising of 300+ organized Bootstrap 5 components built with atomic design system & auto layout. Kick start your next Figma project in no time.
- coreui - Open Source UI Kit built on top of Bootstrap 5 and plain JavaScript.
- Bootstrap 5 Design System - A Perfect Design System for Bootstrap 5+ Series.
- Bootstrap v5 Theme Kit - A starter project for making Bootstrap 5 themes with Sass.
- Swipe - One Page Bootstrap 5 Template for Mobile Applications.
- bootstrap5-template - A landing page template built with Bootstrap 5.
- Bootstrap-5-portfolio-template - Bootstrap 5 Portfolio Template.
- Start Bootstrap - Landing Page - A responsive, Bootstrap landing page template.
- BootBlox - Ready-to-use Bootstrap CSS blocks.
- voler - Admin Dashboard Template that can help you develop faster. Made with Bootstrap 5.
- adminkit - Free & open source Bootstrap 5 Admin Template.
- portal-theme-bs5 - Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template For Developers.
- mazer - Free Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page.
- Avni - Bootstrap 5 Admin Template. Live Demo
- Adminator - Easy to use and well design admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 5 for web apps, websites, services and more.
- Dash-UI - A free and open source components and templates kit for dashboard.
- Sneat Free Bootstrap Admin Template - Open-source & Easy to use Free Bootstrap 5 HTML Admin Template with Elegant Design & Unique Layout.
- Atrana Dashboard - Free and Open-source Bootstrap 5 Admin Dashboard Template and Landing Page.
- bootstrap-ie11 - CSS & JS polyfills for Internet Explorer 11 compatibility.
- bootstrap-print-css - Print Stylesheet for Bootstrap 5.
- bootstrap5-cheatsheet - The ultimate cheatsheet for Bootstrap 5.
- ST-BootstrapAutocomplete - Sublime Text 4 plugin for Bootstrap class name autocompletion.
- bootstrap-dark-5 - The Ancillary Guide to Dark Mode and Bootstrap 5
- VvvebJs - Online Webpage Builder With Bootstrap 5. Live Demo
- Best JavaScript & CSS Components For Bootstrap 5 - 10 best and most downloaded JavaScript/CSS libraries that provide additional and enhanced components missing from the latest Bootstrap 5 framework but necessary for modern web development.