rosrun spheres_localization input_folder num_images descriptor_type descriptor_size output_file_path maxdescdist
rosrun spheres_localization pose_estimation map_file descriptor_type camera_stream
rosrun spheres_localization visualization world_point_cloud map_file camera_stream image_directory
NOTE: Last parameter of visualization may be omitted for a precolored pointcloud
To use a bag file for visualization:
rosbag play bag_file -l -r 0.1
- ROS Hydro
- OpenCV
- Boost
Make sure you have added the following to your .bashrc file!
- source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash
- source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
- Install "IP Webcam" app for android (should already be on the lab phone)
- Use ROS GSCam to relay IP Webcam images to a ROS camera topic
rosbag play ~/data/garage/left3ft.bag -l -r 0.1
rosrun spheres_localization pose_estimation ~/data/garage/KinFuSnapshots/map.txt SIFT /camera/rgb/image_color
rosrun spheres_localization visualization ~/data/garage/world_color.pcd ~/data/garage/KinFuSnapshots/map.txt /camera/rgb/image_color