Video link is here
This version of LIPM walking controller is mainly developed by Arnaud Tanguy.
He fixed the "double stepping" problem, communication delay between several PCs for the experiment, and so on.
And then, Masato Tsuru added an interface for PS4 controller, Oculus controller, and RViz gui menu.
If you want to try walking HRP4CR with PS4 Joystick, this version must be the easiest way.
Required components and libraries :
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- ROS melodic (desktop full)
- mc_rtc, the latest version (2021/1/18)
- openrtp environment (private repository)
- HRP4CR robot model and its mc_rtc support (private repository)
- Online Footstep Planner, the latest version (2021/1/18)
- PS4 controller and USB cable
Basically, drcutl's environment setup script and mc_rtc installation script automatically set up most of those libraries.
Only "OnlineFootstepPlanner" is not automatically installed by those scripts.
About the installation of OnlineFootstepPlanner, please visit its page
$ git clone
(default branch "rebase_stabilizer_ana")
$ mkdir build
$ ccmake ..
Turn on AUTOLOAD_ExternalFootstepPlannerPlugin option.
And also, don't forget to set CMake Install prefix to /home/your_name/openrtp.
$ make -j8
$ make install
First, please switch the mc_controller in your mc_rtc configuration as doing below :
$ nano ~/.config/mc_rtc/mc_rtc.yaml
MainRobot: HRP4CR
Timestep: 0.002
Enabled: LIPMWalking
- ROS core
- Choreonoid simulation
- RViz as mc_rtc control interface
- Online Footstep Planner
$ roscore
$ cd ~/openrtp/share/hrpsys/samples/HRP4CR
$ choreonoid sim_mc_openrtp_bush.cnoid
and please click the starting button in Choreonoid.
Now, the LIPM walking controller is running. The HRP4CR robot model will keep standing.
(if the robot fails on the ground, $
sometimes solve it.)
(Even cannot help you, your hrpsys-humanoid is too old. please update all libraries with drcutl script.)
$ roslaunch mc_rtc_ticker display.launch
$ roslaunch online_footstep_planner run_demo_in_sim_rebase.launch
Joystick connection node and Online Footstep Planner node start.
If you can see the yellow warning message "received a map" like below-right side of the picture, it's success!!
After starting the whole system, you have to select some GUI options.
The stabilizer task becomes enable, and HRP4CR starts balancing.