NewGRF for OpenTTD - Tourist industries
Tourist industries for OpenTTD, inspired by FIRS 3 Hotel, WhiteHand's tourist set, and tourist-accepting houses in ECS Houses, Swedish Houses.
Compatibility with any newgrf is not guaranteed. No warranties are expressed or implied. Not tested with OpenTTD versions < 1.7.2.
Not valid for Toyland.
New cargo Tourists (TOUR) uses cargo id 31.
3 new tourist industries:
- Hotel: produces tourists; accepts tourists, food, alcohol 🍷
- Visitor Center: produces and accepts tourists. Visitor Centers vary in appearance depending on climate/location but functionality is the same.
- Town Square: produces tourists; accepts tourists, goods, alcohol 🍻
4 houses:
- 2 houses (rustic, regular) produce 8 +/- 3 tourists per production tick
- 2 tall buildings (tower block, flats) produce 20 +/- 4 tourists per production tick
Concrete base tiles display an orange star ⭐ so the houses are easier to find in transparent/invisible mode.
Parameters: hopefully are self-explanatory
The usual pnml/nml files with C includes and macros. I built this newgrf on Linux Mint 19.3 using gcc version 7.5.0, NML version 0.4.5.
Translations gladly accepted. Please open an issue on GitHub ( and attach your lang file so I can include it in a release.
GPL v2
Author of this newgrf: jrook1445 (
Source code:
Credit and Acknowledgements (with sincere thanks and appreciation):
OpenGFX: re-use of base set sprites: all contributors/developers as listed in 6.0 Credits,
FIRS 3: cargo icons: andythenorth et. al. as listed in credits.txt,
smallmines: ideas for production callbacks: Sylf,
OpenGFX+ Industries 0.3.5: ideas for C macros and industry location checks: Ingo von Borstel (aka planetmaker) et. al. as listed in readme.ptxt,
ECS industry extension: ideas for C macros and industry location checks: Maciej Czapkiewicz (aka McZapkie),
NML and NFO: with many thanks to all the developers/contributors of NML, NFO, and the documentation/newgrf spec website at
Inspiration: FIRS 3 Hotel, WhiteHand's tourist set, ECS Houses, Swedish Houses