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ebollens edited this page Aug 20, 2012 · 5 revisions

Meeting Information

  • Location: Math Science Building 5907 & Remote
  • Date/Time: Monday August 20 from 1:00 to 2:00 PM
  • Conference Line: 888-921-8686 #3102061670


  • Eric Bollens
  • Chris Webber
  • Celia Cheung
  • Brendan Murphy
  • Logan Franken
  • Albert Wu
  • Alex Podobas

Project Updates

Implementation updates on:

  • Base/Block [Eric/Logan/Heather/Alex]
    • Clearfix had a lot of discussion - agreement on suffixing
    • Visibility will only be .hide, no .show
  • Base/Type [Eric]
    • Done
  • Entity/Button [Eric]
    • Never prototyped, but implemented as an example
    • Some point, we need to actually have it prototyped - even if current is sufficient
  • Entity/Header/Masthead [Celia/Alice]
    • Eric threw empty template in correct files for implementation
    • Some debugging work on the Rakefile itself, but this is resolved now
    • Update on development?
  • Entity/List [Eric/Logan]
    • Done - trivial adapter for Bootstrap
  • Entity/Nav/Bar [Eric]
    • Right now, implementation isn't really anything
    • Will be working on this during the coming week
  • Entity/Nav/Main [Celia/Alice]
    • Eric threw prototype in file for definition
    • This fits in line with Entity/Header/Masthead for dev so assigned to Celia/Alice
  • Entity/Table [Eric/Logan]
    • Predominate work is done - trivial adapter for Bootstrap
    • Logan to add col and colgroup support
Planning updates:
  • Image replacement [Logan]
    • A lot of times you have a situation where you want an image in place of text
    • Semantically, you want the text, not the image, in the markup
    • Utility class that is a helper, but doesn't actually include the image
  • ARIA integration
  • Entity/Img/Icon [Celia]
    • No work on this yet
  • Entity/Blockquote [Logan]
    • Pretty close to done unless anyone wants to fit in
    • Eric too implement
  • Entity/Nav/Breadcrumb [Logan]
    • Pretty close to being done
  • Gallery [Alice]
  • Billboard [Alice]
  • Colors [Eric/Alice/Celia/Logan/Mike]
Architecture updates:
  • Added a "core adapter" that defines all mixings
    • Adapters now override the core adapter
    • Ensures no mixin is never not defined
    • Some basic things defined in the core adapter and skip work in the framework adapters
  • Improved configurability
    • Can now control paths of adapter, core adapter, core definitions, SASS files, etc. separately
    • Integrated in the ECTA framework successfully - test case for configurability as submodule
  • Some definitions we'll use moving forward (terminology used in Rakefile-config.rb):
    • Packages: Third-party modules contained in /packages as a Git submodule
    • Modules (mods): Components with definitions contained in /src/core/definitions and defined by adapters
    • Extensions: Folders directly under /src that contain extensions of blocks (like campus/unit styles)
    • Core Definitions: Definition (with mixin call-forwards) for all WebBlocks elements
    • Core Adapter: Empty or basic mixins for all core definitions that can be overridden by an adapter
    • Adapters: Implementation of WebBlocks in a particular framework (overrides core adapter mixins)
  • Debug mode available during compile
    • Debug output includes line numbers for where definitions actually come from
    • Debug mode produces a /build/debug folder
    • Use caution as minification with debug is slightly less effective
  • New rake modes:
    • path - configured paths used by builder
    • includes - which definitions and adapters will be included, and in which order
    • packages - which third party packages will be included
    • environment - all three of the above
  • Resolved pathing issue causing Grunt to fail during rake if jQuery not built
  • Resolved issue with some Bootstrap classes packaging twice
  • Fixed bug with side-effects in WebBlocks::Compiler.generate
  • Some outstanding issues:
    • Kitchen sink and testing
    • CSS optimizers
  • Vagrant build should be like what the RoR team is doing
  • Topic of the MWF Community's presentation at UCCSC - and a lot of excitement
  • For those that don't know, MWF Conference is coming up soon
    • WebBlocks is a major topic of day 2
    • Come up with a stack list of organization for the Architecture talk:
      • src/core/definitions/base
      • src/core/definitions/entity
      • src/core/definitions/...
      • src/core/adapter/base
      • src/core/adapter/entity
      • src/core/adapter/...
      • src/adapter/bootstrap/base
      • src/adapter/bootstrap/entity
      • src/adapter/bootstrap/...
      • src/extension/ucla
      • src/extension/...
      • src/sass
    • People at the architecture session will want to understand the black box