This is the repo for the vanilla version of the i3 window manager configuration file. This configuration is intended to provide a clean and basic setup for my i3wm, without any additional customizations or "RICE" modifications. It serves as a starting point that can be easily modified and updated in the future.
- $mod variable is set to Mod4, which represents the Super key (usually the Windows key).
- The font used for window titles and the bar is set to pango:monospace 8.
- rofi is set as the program launcher for Mod1+Return keybinding.
- dex is used to start XDG autostart .desktop files.
- xss-lock is used to lock the screen before suspend.
- nm-applet is launched for managing wireless networks.
- pactl is used to adjust volume in PulseAudio.
- Mouse + $mod keybinding is set for dragging floating windows.
- i3-sensible-terminal is set as the default terminal emulator.
- XF86Audio keybindings are set to adjust volume and mute/unmute audio.
- nitrogen is started to restore the wallpaper.
- Workspace assignments are defined for each workspace number and associated outputs.
- Mod1+Return: Launches the program launcher "rofi" to show the run dialog.