Four teams run around collecting orbs and racing to power their home bases before the others. Sabatoge the other teams to gain a competitive advantage. This was a small project I decided to take on in the summer of 2016.
- Multiplayer! This was my first successful attempt at a multiplayer game, though I think it still might be pretty buggy. It's been a long time since I made this.
- A decently functional AI! The AI teams in this game basically operate on a state machine; each bot can either be looking for orbs (and attacking on sight), defending the base, or attacking/sabatoging other bases. The game will balance the amounts of each, but it also skews the balance against some teams, simulating weakness. That is, a team might end up being highly defensive and not at all offensive. Or, vice versa.
Orbus is a Maven project. I do all this in IntelliJ.
- Pull the repository.
- Run
mvn package
to install the LWJGL natives. - Set VM option