- Adafruit 64x64 display
- Raspberry Pi Bonnet
- 5V 4A Power Supply for 64x64 or 5V 15A for 128x128
- Raspberry Pi (zero - 4) Would recommend a 4 for better peformance
- A computer with ssh capability. This can be done by connecting a monitor to the Pi but, it is easier with ssh because you can copy over code from this repository
- For help with the next steps look here
- First, on the Raspberry Pi Bonnet solder the E pad to the 8 pad it should look like this:
- Next, solder a jumper wire between GPIO 4 and GPIO 18. This will reduce the flicker. It should look like this:
- Next, you want to plug in the power cable and ribbon cable (make sure its the "in" connection" to the led screen like this:
- Then, cut off the other end of the power cable and attach to bonnet like this:
- Connect ribbon cable to bonnet.
- Use the Raspberry Pi Imager to flash Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64/32 bit depending on which Pi is being used) to an SD Card. I would recommend going through the settings to set up a hostname, wifi, username and password, and enable ssh
- Insert SD Card in Pi
- Plug in the bonnet using the power supply. You can power the raspberry pi seperate or through the bonnet depending on current supply.
- Once turned on, if set up properly, you can ssh from another computer using hostname@LOCAL_IP then entering the password. Or, you can attach a monitor and keyboard to setup
- LOCAL_IP usally takes the form of 192.168.1.### and can be found on your routers desktop settings as a connected device
- Once at the pi's command line enter:
- curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adafruit/Raspberry-Pi-Installer-Scripts/main/rgb-matrix.sh >rgb-matrix.sh
- then: sudo bash rgb-matrix.sh
- This will bring you to a setup menu for the library. The settings you want are:
- Continue?: y
- Adafruit RGB Matrix Bonnet: 1
- Quality: 1
- Confirm Settings and answer yes to reboot after installation
- navigate to config.txt file with sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt
- Set dtparam=audio=off and save file with ctrl o then exit with ctrl x
- navigate to blacklist.conf with sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
- Add line: blacklist snd_bcm2835 then save file with ctrl o and exit with ctrl x
- Lastly navigate to cmdline.txt with sudo nano /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt
- At the end of the line of text, add isolcpus=3 then save file with ctrl o and exit with ctrl x
- Reboot Pi with sudo reboot
- Set up Spotify for developers account and start a new app
- Give the app a name and description
- Make the Redirect URL: http://LOCAL_IP:8888/callback
- You will want LOCAL_IP to be the address you used to ssh into the pi
- Go to settings
- Take note of the Client ID and Client Secret
- Save the settings
- Install these dependencies using sudo apt install python3-MODULE_NAME
- flask
- requests
- psutil
- dotenv
- qrcode
- numpy
- The rest should come installed with python on Raspberry Pi but, if you get an error install it using the same method
- Navigate to the sample folder with cd ~/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/bindings/python/samples
- in this folder create album.py, image_show.py, and address_display.py and copy the respective code from this repo
- In album.py edit the variable LOCAL_IP to match the local ip of your Pi
- In address_display.py update the LOCAL_IP to the ip
- This step is really optional but it shows a qr code to connect to the display
- Then save file with ctrl o and exit with ctrl x
- in the same folder create a file called .env by typing nano .env
- In .env add two lines
- Then save file with ctrl o and exit with ctrl x
- run nano pixel_data.txt and ctrl o ctri x to save and exit
- run chmod a+rw pixel_data.txt
- This allows for the code the be run without a monitor or ssh
- Install evdev using sudo apt install python3-evdev
- In the same directory as the rest of the scripts, create main.py by typing nano main.py
- Copy the code from the file on gitub
- Change the event# to the event of the keyboard you plugged in. For me, this was event 0
- Use ls /dev/input/ to find the curent events
- Run ls /dev/input/ before and after plugging in the keyboard to see which events get added
- After changing the code, run sudo main.py and press 1 to run the album.py file.
- 0 terminates the code that is running
- Type: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/program_launcher.service
- Copy over the contents of the file: program_launcher.service
- Then save file with ctrl o and exit with ctrl x
- Go to the home directory with cd ~
- Type sudo nano shutdown_services.sh
- Copy over the contents of the file: shutdown_services.sh
- Then save file with ctrl o and exit with ctrl x
- Run sudo raspi-config
- Select System Options -> Boot/Auto Login -> Console Autologin
- run: sudo systemctl daemon-reload
- run: sudo chmod +x /home/ledboard/shutdown_services.sh
- run: sudo systemctl start program_launcher.service
- run: sudo systemctl enable program_launcher.service
- run: sudo reboot
- Make sure you are in the samples folder by typing cd ~/rpi-rgb-led-matrix/bindings/python/samples
- Run: sudo python album.py
- On another device, in a browser, visit http://LOCAL_IP:8888/authorize and log in to Spotify.
- Once Spotify is playing, the album cover should be displayed on the matrix
- Please leave comments for errors and improvements.
- Thanks to hzeller for creating the matrix driver