All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- GH-3: Refactored State object to be non-static (and thus thread safe), thanks to Jarrah Watson (abonstu)
- Moved project from Travis to Github Actions
- Replaced inhouse minimatch implementation with external library minimatch-javaport
- Upgraded dependency libraries and gradle to the latest versions
- GH-4: Avoided using default Binding for ScriptEngine, thanks to Jarrah Watson (abonstu)
- GH-2: Used context ClassLoader to load resources, thanks to Jarrah Watson (abonstu)
- GH-1: Fixed packaging issue with resources
- New version of JSHint v2.10.1 is ported
- New version of JSHint v2.9.7 is ported
- New version of JSHint v2.9.6 is ported
- Upgraded dependency libraries and gradle
- Modified versioning logic, updated TODOs and other markers
- Ported changes of JSHint v2.9.5
- Frist implementation