Latex template for JSAI Conference
Configured for writing in Japanese by default.
To write a paper in English, change configuration as follows:
# main.tex
- \documentclass[twocolumn]{jarticle}
+ %% \documentclass[twocolumn]{jarticle}
- %% \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} % use this for English instead of jarticle
+ \documentclass[twocolumn]{article} % use this for English instead of jarticle
# latexmkrc
- $pdf_mode = 3; # for japanese
+ # $pdf_mode = 3; # for japanese
- # $pdf_mode = 1; # for english
+ $pdf_mode = 1; # for english
$ make # TeX is automatically installed if not yet installed
# or
$ make preview # make & open pdf viewer
# or
$ make forever # make & open pdf viewer & continuous compilation
$ make clean
# or
$ make wipe # super clean