This is our implementation for the paper:
Jialin He, Lei Xiong#, Shaohui Shi, Chengyu Li, Kexuan Chen, Qianchen Fang, Jiuhong Nan, Ke Ding, Jingyun Li, Yuanhui Mao, Carles A. Boix, Xinyang Hu, Manolis Kellis, Jingyun Li and Xushen Xiong#. Deep learning modeling of ribosome profiling reveals regulatory underpinnings of translatome and interprets disease variants. (Preprint)
Translatomer is a transformer-based multi-modal deep learning framework that predicts ribosome profiling track using genomic sequence and cell-type-specific RNA-seq as input.
If you want to use our codes and datasets in your research, please cite:
To run this project, you need the following prerequisites:
- Python 3.9
- PyTorch 1.13.1+cu117
- Other required Python libraries (please refer to requirements.txt)
You can install all the required packages using the following command:
conda create -n pytorch python=3.9.16
conda activate pytorch
pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 torchvision==0.14.1+cu117 torchaudio==0.13.1 --extra-index-url
pip install -r requirements.txt
Example data for model training can be downloaded from Zenodo
- Put all input files in a data folder. The input files have to be organized as follows:
+ data
+ hg38
+ K562
+ GSE153597
+ input_features
+ output_features
+ HepG2
+ GSE174419
+ input_features
+ output_features
++ gencode.v43.annotation.gff3
++ hg38.fa
++ hg38.fai
+ mm10
- To generate training data, use the following command:
python [options]
- --assembly Genome reference for the data. Default = 'hg38'.
- --celltype Name of the cell line. Default = 'K562'.
- --study GEO accession number for the data. Default = 'GSE153597'.
- --region_len The desired sequence length (region length). Default = 65536.
- --nBins The number of bins for dividing the sequence. Default = 1024.
Example to run the codes:
find data/ -type d -name 'output_features' -exec mkdir -p '{}/tmp' \;
find data/ -type d -name 'input_features' -exec mkdir -p '{}/tmp' \;
nohup python --assembly hg38 --celltype HepG2 --study GSE174419 --region_len 65536 --nBins 1024 &
nohup python --assembly hg38 --celltype K562 --study GSE153597 --region_len 65536 --nBins 1024 &
To train the Translatomer model, use the following command:
python [options]
- --seed Random seed for training. Default value: 2077.
- --save_path Path to the model checkpoint. Default = 'checkpoints'.
- --data-root Root path of training data. Default = 'data' (Required).
- --assembly Genome assembly for training data. Default = 'hg38'.
- --model-type Type of the model to use for training. Default = 'TransModel'.
- --fold Which fold of the model training. Default='0',
- --patience Epochs before early stopping. Default = 8.
- --max-epochs Max epochs for training. Default = 128.
- --save-top-n Top n models to save during training. Default = 20.
- --num-gpu Number of GPUs to use for training. Default = 1.
- --batch-size Batch size for data loading. Default = 32.
- --ddp-disabled Flag to disable ddp (Distributed Data Parallel) for training. If provided, it will enable DDP with batch size adjustment.
- --num-workers Number of dataloader workers. Default = 1.
Example to run the codes:
nohup python --save_path results/bigmodel_h512_l12_lr1e-5_wd0.05_ws2k_p32_fold0 --data-root data --assembly hg38 --dataset data_roots_mini.txt --model-type TransModel --fold 0 --patience 6 --max-epochs 128 --save-top-n 128 --num-gpu 1 --batch-size 32 --num-workers 1 >DNA_logs/bigmodel_h512_l12_lr1e-5_wd0.05_ws2k_p32_fold0.log 2>&1 &
nohup python --save_path results/bigmodel_h512_l12_lr1e-5_wd0.05_ws2k_p32_fold1 --data-root data --assembly hg38 --dataset data_roots_mini.txt --model-type TransModel --fold 1 --patience 6 --max-epochs 128 --save-top-n 128 --num-gpu 1 --batch-size 32 --num-workers 1 >DNA_logs/bigmodel_h512_l12_lr1e-5_wd0.05_ws2k_p32_fold1.log 2>&1 &
- Load pretrained model Pretrained model can be downloaded from Zenodo
- An example notebook containing code for applying Translatomer is here.
This project is licensed under MIT License.
For any questions or inquiries, please contact