- Roomate tracking app using facebook (or Twitter or Insta or Tiktok depending on API availability) data to identify connections
- Self tagging preferences - female roommate desired etc, and users can define tags. Unlimited tags and then we could match based on % of identical tags
- Graph theory based on the social media data to extrapolate people with network connections
- React frontend
- Material UI for CSS
- Sketch for images, or designers
- Slack for keeping track of what we are working on
- GCP for hosting
- Axios
- Hooks/Functional
- Tentatively Mongo/Atlas for db
- Generate frontend with create react app
- Install Material
- Agree on data models
- Talk through the endpoints
- Roberto can be point on React
- I will float and work on whatever
- Katy could help on frontend stuff based on what's left
- User would have the ability to sign up/log in to the app
- Home page could be a world heat map, and then below that cut out states
- Ability to get text or email updates or both
- We need recurring tasks to kick off the emails
- Plotly heatmap - frontend and backend
- Side menu with your subscriptions listed
- Sign up (POST)
- Login (POST)
- Logout
- /Location
- /Subscribe post new user-location subscription add/delete etc
- Sign up/login - Include blurb, add tags, sign into facebook
- Home/Dashboard page - favoriting be an option from the card, same for email
- About the product - Could be home page or the login page
- Side Nav
- Users
- name
- password
- array of state identifiers
- State
- name
- ID