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Solarized Colorscheme for XChat

This is a port of the Solarized colorscheme for XChat:
XChat Solarized Github Repository

Original Solarized colorscheme developed by:
Ethan Schoonover
Solarized Github Repository

If you have come across this colorscheme via the XChat-only repository on github, see the Solarized homepage for screenshots, details, and colorscheme versions for Vim, Mutt, popular terminal emulators, and other applications.


Solarized Dark

Solarized Light


XChat Data Directories

Replace <username> with your actual username.

  • Windows Vista/7:
    C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\X-Chat 2\
  • Windows XP:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\X-Chat 2\
  • Linux:


The Solarized theme for XChat was designed using the default pevents.conf file.

The only reason you may need to replace your existing pevents.conf file is if it is heavily modified.

The pevents.conf included with the theme has 2 modifications:

  1. Nick names are wrapped with angle brackets.

  2. Mode characters ( ~, &, @, %, +) are shown next to nick names.

Install the Solarized theme

  1. Exit XChat
  2. Back-up the current colors.conf and pevents.conf files located in the appropriate XChat Data Directory
  3. Copy the solarized-dark-colors.conf or solarized-light-colors.conf file to the appropriate XChat Data Directory and rename it to colors.conf
  4. (Optional) Copy the pevents.conf file to the appropriate XChat Data Directory
  5. Restart XChat

Color Values

Solarized Dark

mIRC colors are mapped 0-15
XChat   Color
0       Default
1       Default
2       Default
3       Default
4       Default
5       Default
6       Default
7       Default
8       Default
9       Default
10      Default
11      Default
12      Default
13      Default
14      Default
15      Default

Local colors are mapped 16-31
XChat   Solarized   Hex         Color Mapping
-----   -------------------     ------------------------------------------------
16      Orange      #cb4b16     Motd Indicator
17      Base 1      #93a1a1     User level indicators ( ~, &, @, %, +)
18      Blue        #268bd2     Primary Nick Color (when not using "Colored nick names") / Channel Action/Message
19      Cyan        #2aa198     Nick Color #1 - Join / You Join
20      Violet      #6c71c4     Nick Color #2
21      Magenta     #d33682     Channel Msg / Action Hilight
22      Blue        #268bd2     Nick Color #3 / Server Messages
23      Violet      #6c71c4     Quit / Part Messages
24      Red         #dc322f     Nick Color #4 / Notify/Ignore Header
25      Yellow      #b58900     Nick Color #5 / User's Angle Bracket Color
26      Magenta     #d33682     Nick Color #6 / DCC/Channel Messages
27      Base 01     #586e75     Nick Color #7 / Some Whois / Nick Angle Bracket Color
28      Green       #859900     Nick Color #8 / Some Whois / NickServ dashes
29      Orange      #cb4b16     Nick Color #9 / Channel Topic Color
30      Yellow      #b58900     User's Message / Some Whois / Some DCC
31      Orange      #cb4b16     User's Nick Color

XChat special colors are mapped at 256+
XChat   Solarized   Hex         Color Mapping
-----   -------------------     ------------------------------------------------
256     Base 03     #002b36     Marking Text Forground
257     Base 01     #586e75     Marking Text Background
258     Base 0      #839496     Text Colors Foreground
259     Base 03     #002b36     Text Colors Background
260     Cyan        #2aa198     Marker Line
261     Blue        #268bd2     New Data
262     Orange      #cb4b16     Highlight
263     Yellow      #b58900     New Message
264     Base 01     #586e75     Away User
265     Magenta     #d33682     Spell Checker

Solarized Light

mIRC colors are mapped 0-15
XChat   Color
0       Default
1       Default
2       Default
3       Default
4       Default
5       Default
6       Default
7       Default
8       Default
9       Default
10      Default
11      Default
12      Default
13      Default
14      Default
15      Default

Local colors are mapped 16-31
XChat   Solarized   Hex         Color Mapping
-----   -------------------     ------------------------------------------------
16      Orange      #cb4b16     Motd Indicator
17      Base 01     #586e75     User level indicators ( ~, &, @, %, +)
18      Blue        #268bd2     Primary Nick Color (when not using "Colored nick names") / Channel Action/Message
19      Cyan        #2aa198     Nick Color #1 - Join / You Join
20      Violet      #6c71c4     Nick Color #2
21      Magenta     #d33682     Channel Msg / Action Hilight
22      Blue        #268bd2     Nick Color #3 / Server Messages
23      Violet      #6c71c4     Quit / Part Messages
24      Red         #dc322f     Nick Color #4 / Notify/Ignore Header
25      Yellow      #b58900     Nick Color #5 / User's Angle Bracket Color
26      Magenta     #d33682     Nick Color #6 / DCC/Channel Messages
27      Base 1      #93a1a1     Nick Color #7 / Some Whois / Nick Angle Bracket Color
28      Green       #859900     Nick Color #8 / Some Whois / NickServ dashes
29      Orange      #cb4b16     Nick Color #9 / Channel Topic Color
30      Yellow      #b58900     User's Message / Some Whois / Some DCC
31      Orange      #cb4b16     User's Nick Color

XChat special colors are mapped at 256+
XChat   Solarized   Hex         Color Mapping
-----   -------------------     ------------------------------------------------
256     Base 3      #fdf6e3     Marking Text Forground
257     Base 1      #93a1a1     Marking Text Background
258     Base 00     #657b83     Text Colors Foreground
259     Base 3      #fdf6e3     Text Colors Background
260     Cyan        #2aa198     Marker Line
261     Blue        #268bd2     New Data
262     Orange      #cb4b16     Highlight
263     Yellow      #b58900     New Message
264     Base 1      #93a1a1     Away User
265     Magenta     #d33682     Spell Checker


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