A simply BoT for Discord with RPG functions.
Built with ❤︎ by
MuXBoT is a little bot for play in Discord to RPG games. A project to roll dices, have a good ambient music, and other future stuffs.
Used to roll all number of dices of any type (included unorthodox numbers like 17). You have an option to launch dices secretly with the last arguments. If not, is public.
Two languages, english and spanish. The bot answer you in de command language. It's polite.
dices: number of dices
faces: number of faces
modification: number positive or negative to modify rolls
secret: just you see the results
/dice dices: 3 faces: 20
🤖 Output
Roll 3 of 20
Individual Sum
This commands is for ambient all your games. Use Youtube and your ****ing imagination. You can add music or search directly.
This add to queue
query: a query search
This skip the actual song, if not other song, is like /stop command
This stop the queue and finalize the stream.
This pause the actual song. Use /resume to continue.
This resume the actual song.
This show a list of all the songs in the queue and the song actually sound.
Set the volume of actual song.
percent: 1 to 100
Set the volume of actual song.
Button options:
Repeat all
Repeat one
🇪🇸 Versiones en Español
El BoT te contesta en Español 😱
Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our CODE OF CONDUCT, and the process for submitting pull requests.
NOTE: NodeJS 12.0.0 or higher is required.
# Clone the repo
$ git clone
# Change the working directory to muxbot-rpg
$ cd muxbot-rpg
# Install dependencies
$ npm install
# Create the build
$ npm run build
# Use build/index.js as initial file
$ node build/index.js
Before running the software we have to add a minimum configuration to our project.
First we are going to create a file that contains our variables, this file must be a .env
If you deploy your bot in Heroku or other services, this Variables must be set manually in the configuration of the project.
The bot know 2 languages, English and Spanish, but you can add any .ts Language folder with the strings and commands to translate.
Now we are ready to run the software in local. Open your terminal.
NOTE: Nodemon is required npm i -g nodemon
# Terminal
$ cd /yourprojectpath
# install the dependencies
$ npm install
# run node
$ npm run dev
This project is under MIT - Details MIT Licence