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juancarlospaco committed Nov 3, 2018
1 parent cb6a2f1 commit 2b36c81
Showing 1 changed file with 270 additions and 0 deletions.
270 changes: 270 additions & 0 deletions src/osrm.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
## Open Source Routing Machine for OpenStreetMap
## =============================================
## .. image::
## - Modern C++ Routing engine and JSON API for shortest paths in road networks.
## - Handles continental-sized network queries within miliseconds.
## - Supports Car, Bicycle, Walk modes with easily customized profiles.
## - No Login, no auth, no payments, no credit card, no api key, just works.
## - Powered by OSRM, OpenStreetMap and Nim lang.
## Command Line App
## ----------------
## Finds the best fastest Route between 2 Coordinates (lat,lon) in supplied order
## using the Open Source Routing Machine for OpenStreetMap API online services.
## For Uglyfied JSON use ``--ugly`` (does not reduce bandwith usage).
## If you dont have any Hints for the Query just use an empty string.
## This requires at least basic skills with JSON and OpenStreeMap. Use:
## .. code::
## ./osrm --color --lower --alternatives --steps --straight --overview --hints --timeout=9 --profile=bike --format=geojson --from_lat=42.666 --from_lon=10.55 --to_lat=15.42 --to_lon=12.75 "hint,hint,hint"
# responds Permission Denied as of 2018.
import asyncdispatch, httpclient, strutils, json
{.passL: "-s".}
osrm_api_ver* = "v1" ## Open Source Routing Machine API Version.
osrm_api_url* =
when defined(ssl):
"" ## Open Source Routing Machine API URL (SSL).
"" ## Open Source Routing Machine API URL (No SSL).

OpenSourceRoutingMachineBase*[HttpType] = object ## Base object.
timeout*: byte ## Timeout Seconds for API Calls, byte type, 0~255.
proxy*: Proxy ## Network IPv4 / IPv6 Proxy support, Proxy type.
OSRM* = OpenSourceRoutingMachineBase[HttpClient] ## Sync Open Source Routing Machine API Client.
AsyncOSRM* = OpenSourceRoutingMachineBase[AsyncHttpClient] ## Async Open Source Routing Machine API Client.
OSRMCoords* = tuple[lat: float32, lon: float32] ## Tuple of Float32 Coordinates
OSRMBearings* = tuple[value: range[0..360], `range`: range[0..180]] ## Tuple of SubRange Integers.
OSRMProfile* = enum ## Profiles endpoints of Open Source Routing Machine API.
OSRMCar = "car" # To get the way on Car.
OSRMBike = "bike" # To get the way on Bike.
OSRMFoot = "foot" # To get the way on Foot.
OSRMDriving = "driving" # Seems kinda hybrid ???.

template clientify(this: OSRM | AsyncOSRM): untyped =
## Build & inject basic HTTP Client with Headers, Proxy, Timeout, DoNotTrack.
var client {.inject.} =
when this is AsyncOSRM: newAsyncHttpClient(
proxy = when declared(this.proxy): this.proxy else: nil, userAgent="")
else: newHttpClient(
timeout = when declared(this.timeout): * 1_000 else: -1,
proxy = when declared(this.proxy): this.proxy else: nil, userAgent="")
client.headers = newHttpHeaders({"dnt": "1", "accept":
"application/vnd.api+json", "content-type": "application/vnd.api+json"})

func preprocess_coordinates(coordinates: seq[OSRMCoords]): string =
## Make a seq of OSRMCoords to string like "{lon},{lat};{lon},{lat}"
var coordina: seq[string]
for coord in coordinates:
coordina.add $coord.lon & "," & $ #TODO: Make this 2 to 1 Generic?
result = coordina.join(";")

func preprocess_bearings(bearings: seq[OSRMBearings]): string =
## Make a seq of OSRMBearings to string like "{lon},{lat};{lon},{lat}"
var bearinga: seq[string]
for bear in bearings:
bearinga.add $bear.value & "," & $bear.`range`
result = bearinga.join(";")

proc osrm_request(this: OSRM | AsyncOSRM, service: string, profile: OSRMProfile,
coordinates: seq[OSRMCoords], args: string, generate_hints=true,
bearings: seq[OSRMBearings] = @[], hints: seq[string] = @[]): Future[JsonNode] {.multisync.} =
## Base function for all Open Source Routing Machine HTTPS GET API Calls.
assert coordinates.len > 0, "seq[OSRMCoords] must not be an empty seq."
assert args.len > 1, "Unkown Error: args must not be an empty string."
cord = preprocess_coordinates(coordinates)
hint = "generate_hints=" & $generate_hints
bear = if bearings.len > 0: preprocess_bearings(bearings) else: ""
hnts = if hints.len > 0: hints.join(";") else: ""
base_url = osrm_api_url & $service & "/" & osrm_api_ver & "/" & $profile
url = base_url & "/" & cord & ".json?" & hint & bear & hnts & args
let responses =
when this is AsyncOSRM: await client.get(url=url)
else: client.get(url=url)
result = parse_json(await responses.body)

proc nearest*(this: OSRM | AsyncOSRM, number: byte, profile: OSRMProfile,
coordinates: seq[OSRMCoords], generate_hints=true,
bearings: seq[OSRMBearings] = @[], hints: seq[string] = @[]): Future[JsonNode] {.multisync.} =
doAssert > 1, "Number argument must be a Positive Byte > 1 (1~255)"
doAssert coordinates.len == 1, "Exactly one Coordinate pair must be provided"
result = await osrm_request(
this, args="&number=" & $number, service="nearest", profile=profile, hints=hints,
coordinates=coordinates, generate_hints=generate_hints, bearings=bearings)

proc route*(this: OSRM | AsyncOSRM, alternatives=false, steps=false,
continue_straight=false, geometries="geojson", overview=true,
profile: OSRMProfile, coordinates: seq[OSRMCoords], generate_hints=true,
bearings: seq[OSRMBearings] = @[], hints: seq[string] = @[]): Future[JsonNode] {.multisync.} =
doAssert geometries in ["polyline", "polyline6", "geojson"], "Geometries must be one of polyline,polyline6,geojson"
doAssert coordinates.len > 1, "Not enough input coordinates given, minimum number of coordinates is 2"
a = "&alternatives=" & $alternatives
b = "&steps=" & $steps
c = "&annotations=true" # As of 2018, API complains other than true here?.
d = "&continue_straight=" & $continue_straight
e = "&geometries=" & $geometries
f = if overview: "&overview=full" else: "&overview=false"
result = await osrm_request(
this, args=a & b & c & d & e & f, service="route", profile=profile, hints=hints,
coordinates=coordinates, generate_hints=generate_hints, bearings=bearings)

proc table*(this: OSRM | AsyncOSRM, sources, destinations: seq[byte] = @[], profile: OSRMProfile,
coordinates: seq[OSRMCoords], generate_hints=true, bearings: seq[OSRMBearings] = @[],
hints: seq[string] = @[]): Future[JsonNode] {.multisync.} =
doAssert coordinates.len > 1, "Not enough input coordinates given, minimum number of coordinates is 2"
a = if sources == @[]: "&sources=all" else: "&sources=" & sources.join(";")
b = if destinations == @[]: "&destinations=all" else: "&destinations=" & destinations.join(";")
result = await osrm_request(
this, args=a & b, service="table", profile=profile, hints=hints,
coordinates=coordinates, generate_hints=generate_hints, bearings=bearings)

proc match*(this: OSRM | AsyncOSRM, steps=false, geometries="geojson", overview=true,
timestamps: seq[int] = @[], gaps=true, tidy=false, profile: OSRMProfile,
coordinates: seq[OSRMCoords], generate_hints=true, bearings: seq[OSRMBearings] = @[],
hints: seq[string] = @[]): Future[JsonNode] {.multisync.} =
doAssert coordinates.len > 1, "Not enough input coordinates given, minimum number of coordinates is 2"
doAssert geometries in ["polyline", "polyline6", "geojson"], "Geometries must be one of polyline,polyline6,geojson"
a = "&steps=" & $steps
b = "&annotations=true" # As of 2018, API complains other than true here?.
c = "&geometries=" & $geometries
d = if overview: "&overview=full" else: "&overview=false"
e = if timestamps == @[]: "&timestamps=" & timestamps.join(";") else: ""
f = if gaps: "&gaps=split" else: "&gaps=ignore"
g = "&tidy=" & $tidy
result = await osrm_request(
this, args=a & b & c & d & f & g, service="match", profile=profile, hints=hints,
coordinates=coordinates, generate_hints=generate_hints, bearings=bearings)

proc trip*(this: OSRM | AsyncOSRM, roundtrip=true, source=true, destination=true,
steps=false, geometries="geojson", overview=true, profile: OSRMProfile,
coordinates: seq[OSRMCoords], generate_hints=true, bearings: seq[OSRMBearings] = @[],
hints: seq[string] = @[]): Future[JsonNode] {.multisync.} =
doAssert coordinates.len > 1, "Not enough input coordinates given, minimum number of coordinates is 2"
doAssert geometries in ["polyline", "polyline6", "geojson"], "Geometries must be one of polyline, polyline6, geojson"
a = "&steps=" & $steps
b = "&annotations=true" # As of 2018, API complains other than true here?.
c = "&geometries=" & $geometries
d = if overview: "&overview=full" else: "&overview=false"
e = "&roundtrip=" & $roundtrip
f = if source: "&source=any" else: "&source=first"
g = if destination: "&destination=any" else: "&destination=first"
result = await osrm_request(
this, args=a & b & c & d & f & g, service="trip", profile=profile, hints=hints,
coordinates=coordinates, generate_hints=generate_hints, bearings=bearings)

runnableExamples: # Everything below is optional, is for Docs, etc.
import asyncdispatch, json
let ## Demo Data.
foo: OSRMCoords = (lat: 13.388860.float32, lon: 52.517037.float32)
bar: OSRMCoords = (lat: 13.397634.float32, lon: 52.529407.float32)

## Sync client.
let osrmc = OSRM(timeout: 99.byte, proxy: nil)
echo osrmc.nearest(number=42.byte, profile=OSRMBike, coordinates= @[foo]).pretty
echo osrmc.route(profile=OSRMBike, coordinates= @[foo, bar]).pretty
echo osrmc.table(profile=OSRMBike, coordinates= @[foo, bar], sources= @[0.byte, 1.byte], destinations= @[0.byte, 1.byte]).pretty
echo osrmc.match(profile=OSRMCar, coordinates= @[foo, bar]).pretty
echo osrmc.trip(profile=OSRMCar, coordinates= @[foo, bar]).pretty

## Async client.
proc async_osrm() {.async.} =
async_osrmc = AsyncOSRM(timeout: 99.byte)
async_response = await async_osrmc.nearest(number=42.byte, profile=OSRMBike, coordinates= @[foo])
echo async_response.pretty

wait_for async_osrm()

when is_main_module and defined(release) and not defined(js): # When release, its a command line app to make queries.
{.optimization: size.}
import parseopt, terminal, random
const helpy = """
Finds the best fastest Route between 2 Coordinates (lat,lon) in supplied order
using the Open Source Routing Machine for OpenStreetMap API online services.
For Uglyfied JSON use --ugly (does not reduce bandwith usage).
If you dont have any Hints for the Query just use an empty string.
This requires at least basic skills with JSON and OpenStreeMap.
For more information and help check the Documentation.
Para JSON Minificado afeado usar --fea (no reduce uso de ancho de banda).
Si no tenes ninguna Sugerencia (Hint) para la consulta usa un string vacio.
Requiere por lo menos conocimientos basicos de JSON y OpenStreeMap.
Para mas informacion y ayuda ver la Documentacion.
👑 👑
./osrm --color --lower --alternatives --steps --straight --overview --hints --timeout=9 --profile=bike --format=geojson --from_lat=42.666 --from_lon=10.55 --to_lat=15.42 --to_lon=12.75 "hint,hint,hint"
Uso (Spanish):
./osrm --color --minusculas --alternativas --pasos --derecho --resumen --sugerencias --timeout=9 --perfil=bici --formato=geojson --desde_lat=42.666 --desde_lon=10.55 --hasta_lat=15.42 --hasta_lon=12.75 "hint,hint,hint"
profile: OSRMProfile
taimaout = 99.byte
formato = "geojson"
point_a, point_b: OSRMCoords
from_lat, from_lon, to_lat, to_lon: float32
minusculas, alternatives, steps, straight, overview, hints, fea: bool
for tipoDeClave, clave, valor in getopt():
case tipoDeClave
of cmdShortOption, cmdLongOption:
case clave
of "version": quit("0.1.5", 0)
of "license", "licencia": quit("MIT", 0)
of "help", "ayuda": quit(helpy, 0)
of "minusculas", "lower": minusculas = true
of "alternatives", "alternativas": alternatives = true
of "steps", "pasos", "pasitos": steps = true
of "straight", "derecho": straight = true
of "overview", "resumen": overview = true
of "hints", "sugerencias": hints = true
of "ugly", "fea": fea = true
of "timeout": taimaout = valor.parseInt.byte # HTTTP Timeout.
of "format", "formato": formato = valor.string.strip.toLowerAscii
of "from_lat", "desde_lat": from_lat = valor.parseFloat.float32
of "from_lon", "desde_lon": from_lon = valor.parseFloat.float32
of "to_lat", "hasta_lat": to_lat = valor.parseFloat.float32
of "to_lon", "hasta_lon": to_lon = valor.parseFloat.float32
of "color":
setForegroundColor([fgRed, fgGreen, fgYellow, fgBlue, fgMagenta, fgCyan, fgWhite].rand)
of "profile", "perfil":
let value = valor.string.strip.toLowerAscii
if value in ["car", "auto", "automovil", "coche", "vehiculo"]:
profile = OSRMCar
elif value in ["bike", "bici", "bicicleta", "bicycle"]:
profile = OSRMBike
elif value in ["foot", "pie", "caminando", "trotando"]:
profile = OSRMFoot
elif value in ["driving", "manejando", "hybrid"]:
profile = OSRMDriving
quit("Wrong Parameters for Profile,see Help with --help:" & $value, 1)
of cmdArgument:
point_a = (lat: from_lat, lon: from_lon)
point_b = (lat: to_lat, lon: to_lon)
jints = if valor.split(",").len > 1: valor.string.strip.toLowerAscii.split(",") else: @[]
clientito = OSRM(timeout: taimaout)
respuesta = clientito.route(
alternatives=alternatives, steps=steps, continue_straight=straight,
overview=overview, geometries=formato, profile=profile, hints=jints,
coordinates= @[point_a, point_b], generate_hints=hints)
resultadito = if fea: $respuesta else: respuesta.pretty
if minusculas: echo resultadito.toLowerAscii else: echo resultadito
of cmdEnd: quit("Wrong Parameters, see Help with --help", 1)

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