A themable design system library with core components used in a React Native App. Designed for Atlas Workout app and EzBudget budget app.
Ensure your app has the peerDependencies
//1. Import the ThemeContext and a theme. You can make your own or use the provided light theme ATLAS_LIGHT
import { ThemeContext, ATLAS_LIGHT } from "atlas-design-system";
export default function MyThemedApp(){
return (
// 2. Wrap your app with the ThemeContext.Provider and provide your theme
<ThemeContext.Provider value={ATLAS_LIGHT}>
import { Text } from "atlas-design-system";
import { View } from "react-native";
// 3. Use the components
export default function MyApp() {
return (
<Text category="h1" >Welcome to My App</Text>
The example app is provided as a way to test and develop on the design system. It is also used as a gallery to view all the components and features of the desgin system.
To run the example app run the following command
cd /example && yarn && yarn ios