Hack that finishes Minesweeper on pressing '1' on the numpad.
Following the Udemy-Course "Reverse Engineering: Ghidra for Beginners" by Paul Chin I reverse-engineered
Minesweeper until I found the address of the void endGame(int a_won)
function. After that, it was
easy to write a .dll that calls this function after its injection:
void endGame(int a_won) {
typedef void (*__stdcall EndGameFunction)(int);
EndGameFunction endGameFunction = (EndGameFunction)(0x0100347c);
I admit it's the most fragile code I've ever written. It works though 😅
OllyDbg 2.01 Disassembler & Debugger https://www.ollydbg.de/version2.html
Ghidra 10.1.2 Dissasembler & Decompiler to C-Code
AlisInjector https://github.com/Zuccss/Dll-INJECTOR
Minesweeper X https://minesweepergame.com/download/minesweeper-x.php