Dataloader provides an easy way efficiently load data in batches. It's inspired by, although it makes some small API changes to better suit Elixir use cases.
The package can be installed by adding :dataloader
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:dataloader, "~> 1.0.0"}
Note: Dataloader requires Elixir 1.10 or higher.
See CHANGELOG for upgrade steps between versions.
- Dataloader hexdocs.
- For the tutorial, guides, and general information about Absinthe-related projects, see
Central to Dataloader is the idea of a source. A single Dataloader struct can have many different sources, which represent different ways to load data.
Here's an example of a data loader using an Ecto source, and then loading some organization data.
source =
# setup the loader
loader = |> Dataloader.add_source(:db, source)
# load some things
loader =
|> Dataloader.load(:db, Organization, 1)
|> Dataloader.load_many(:db, Organization, [4, 9])
# actually retrieve them
loader =
# Now we can get whatever values out we want
organizations = Dataloader.get_many(loader, :db, Organization, [1,4])
This will do a single SQL query to get all organizations by ids 1, 4, and 9. You
can load multiple batches from multiple sources, and then when run/1
is called
batch will be loaded concurrently.
Here we named the source :db
within our dataloader. More commonly though if
you're using Phoenix you'll want to name it after one of your contexts, and have
a different source used for each context. This provides an easy way to enforce
data access rules within each context. See the Dataloader.Ecto
moduledocs for
more details
Dataloader ships with two different built in sources. The first is the Ecto source for easily pulling out data with ecto. The other is a simple KV
key value source. See each module for its respective documentation.
Anything that implements the Dataloader.Source
protocol can act as a source.
The project is under constant improvement by a growing list of
contributors, and your feedback is important. Please join us in Slack
under the Elixir Slack account) or the Elixir Forum
(tagged absinthe
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See the GitHub organization.
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