This plugin provides support for CakePHP3/4.
- NetBeans 12.0+
- Tools > Plugins > Available Plugins
- Click the "Check for Newest" button
- Check "CakePHP3/4 Framework"
- Click the "Install" button
- Download a nbm (e.g. org-netbeans-modules-php-cake3-0.0.1-dev-201408251540.nbm)
- Tools > Plugins > Downloaded > Add Plugins
- Select the nbm
- Click Install
You can update to the new version by the same way as the install. You don't have to uninstall the old version.
- Open the project properties dialog (Right-Click your project > properties)
- Frameworks > CakePHP3/4 > Check
If you just installed Cake3/4 via Composer, you don't have to do anything.
- Open the project properties
- Set relative paths from your Source Directory to Path settings
Use when your CakePHP app directory exists in your php project as a subdirectory.
e.g. set app
to Root setting like the following case:
source directory
├── foo
├── bar
└── app
├── bin
├── composer.json
├── composer.lock
├── config
├── index.php
├── logs
├── phpunit.xml.dist
├── plugins
├── src
├── tests
├── tmp
├── vendor
└── webroot
The same as App settings of config/app.php
Support them using .cake
- Code completion
- Smart Go To
- Run Actions (Run Command)
- Template files(Controller, Table, Helper, e.t.c.)
- Support for a
file - Resolve mime-types for a ctp extension and a
file - Show a parent directory name of a ctp file in the multi-row tabs(see Tools > Options > Appearance > Document Tabs) e.g.
home.ctp [Pages]
- Custom nodes
// in your Controller e.g. SomeController or AppController
public $components = ['Foo', 'My.Bar', 'Bar' => ['className' => 'MyBar'] ];
public initialize() {
$this->laodComponent('Bar', ['className' => 'MyBar']);
// in your Controller
// in your Controller e.g. SomeController or AppController
public $helpers = ['Foo', 'My.Bar', 'Bar' => ['className' => 'MyBar'] ];
// in your template file e.g. index.ctp
// in your Controller e.g. SomeController
// in your Controller
Please add @property
to your table class if you want to use like the following:
// e.g. BookmarksTable
* @property \App\Model\Table\TagsTable $Tags
class BookmarksTable extends Table {
Method Parameters
// e.g. path/to/your/template/index.ctp
// file path completion
// constants
NOTE Please add a semicolon(;) if you want to use code completions for parameters. Tips: You can add it like the following: Ctrl+;
This feature is not enabled by default. If you want to use it, please set the KeyMap to it.
(Tools > Options > Keymap > Search CakePHP
> CakePHP3/4: Smart Go To > e.g. set Ctrl + Shift + J)
Files related to the current editor are shown when you run this action. e.g. If your current file is a Controller, template, table, entity, testcase, conponent and helper file(s) will be shown.
You can change a list to specific category's one like the following. (Ctrl is a Ctrl or Command key)
- Controller(All) : Ctrl + C (Ctrl + Shift + C)
- Component : Ctrl + P (Ctrl + Shift + P)
- Table : Ctrl + M (Ctrl + Shift + M)
- Entity : Ctrl + E (Ctrl + Shift + E)
- Behavior : Ctrl + B (Ctrl + Shift + B)
- Templates : Ctrl + V (Ctrl + Shift + V)
- View Cell : Ctrl + L (Ctrl + Shift + L)
- Helper : Ctrl + H (Ctrl + Shift + H)
- Fixture : Ctrl + F (Ctrl + Shift + F)
- TestCase : Ctrl + T
- Config : Ctrl + I or Ctrl + Shift + I
NOTE Core files are not shown (e.g. HtmlHelper, AuthComponent, e.t.c.)
You can use the .cake if you want to use the specified directories for Controller, Table, Template, e.t.c.. The file format is the following:
"cake": ".\/vendor\/cakephp\/cakephp",
"build_path": {
"entities": [
"tables": [
"behaviors": [
"controllers": [
"components": [
"templates": [
"views": [
"helpers": [
"consoles": [
"shells": [
"tasks": [
"locales": [
"vendors": [
"plugins": [
NOTE It is not available in any categories.
You can add some directories(nodes) under the your project tree. Controller, Model, e.t.c. are shown by default. If you want to hide/show them, please change the options.(Tools > Options > PHP > Frameworks and Tools > CakePHP3/4 > Custom nodes)
Right-click a project > CakePHP3/4
- Run Command
- Run server
- Refresh
All commands will be shown as a list in the command dialog. Then you can run a command with some parameters.
Just run cake server
. If you want to set details, please use Run Configuration
of project properties.
Please run this action after you changed the .cake
file or you updated the version of CakePHP.
Refresh the version number and category paths.
If you have issues, please submit them to GitHub Issues . Please don't create PRs soon.
Apache License, Version 2.0