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Just Another Eye-movement Filtering Algorithm (JAEFA) to turn raw eye tracking data into fixation event.

>> fixmat = JAEFA(eyex,eyey,timestamp,CondInfo,plotopt);
% output format:
% fixmat - [x_fix,y_fix,dur_fix,num_fix,time_start,time_end,sample_start,sample_end,condinfo]

An example is shown in HOWTO.m,

Under the hood

You will need to update the following parameters in the JAEFA.m to suit your eye tracking setup.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Parameters: Please update manually!!! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Screen Resolution
Res         = [0 0 1920 1080];
% Screen  Screen_Size in cm
Screen_Size = [52.128 29.322];
% View distance of subjects in cm
Distance    = 70;
% velocity calculation duration
velt        = 20;
% in degrees per second
angspdthrs  = 30;
% Minimal fixation duration in ms (remove fixation with too short duration)
minfixdur   = 20; % set to 0 to include all fixations
% Minimal saccade duration in ms (combine fixations that are too short apart)
minsaccsp   = 10; % set to 0 to consider all saccades