Original script https://github.com/simonvanderveldt/mqtt-wunderground
Simple MQTT publisher of weather data using the WeatherUnderground API. Publishes the current temperature, relative humidity, precipitation, pressure, windspeed, winddirection as well as sunrise and sunset times from a location.
mqtt-wunderground reads its config from the MQTT topic passed in the config_topic
or from variables set within the file itself.
- deviceid: The name to use for this instance of MQTT-Wunderground. For example
- publish_topic: The parent topic that all measurements will be published to
- config_topic: The topic config parameters can be published too
- updaterate: Time in seconds between updates
- wu_api_key: Wunderground API Key
- country: Two digit country code
- city: Your local zipcode
- broker_address: MQTT server address. Defaults to localhost
- broker_port: MQTT server port. Defaults to 1883
- json: Publish data as json to topic wunderground/status/json. 0 = off , 1 = on