diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bfbded9..f3737cf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,90 +1,90 @@
-# ddev-core-dev
-This is a DDEV addon for doing Drupal core development.
-We're in #ddev-for-core-dev on [Drupal Slack](https://www.drupal.org/community/contributor-guide/reference-information/talk/tools/slack) (but please try and keep work and feature requests in Issues where it's visible to all 🙏)
-`ddev drush` is fully supported, along with using or testing MariaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases (and Sqlite3)
-git clone https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal.git drupal
-cd drupal
-ddev config --project-type=drupal
-ddev get justafish/ddev-drupal-core-dev
-ddev restart
-ddev composer install
-ddev config --update
-# Install drupal
-ddev drush si -y --account-pass==admin
-# Run PHPUnit tests
-ddev phpunit core/modules/sdc
-# Run Nightwatch tests (currently only runs on Chrome)
-ddev nightwatch --tag core
-## Using various database types
-By default, the DDEV default database type is used (MariaDB).
-To use another supported database type,
-`ddev delete -Oy` and `ddev config --database=mysql:8.0` or `ddev config --database=postgres:16` for example.
-To use Sqlite,
-ddev stop
-ddev config --disable-settings-management --omit-containers=db
-rm -rf web/sites/default/settings*.php web/sites/default/files
-ddev start
-ddev drupal install
-## Nightwatch Examples
-You can watch Nightwatch running in real time at https://drupal.ddev.site:7900
-for Chrome and https://drupal.ddev.site:7901 for Firefox. The password is
-"secret". YMMV using Firefox as core tests don't currently run on it.
-Only core tests
-ddev nightwatch --tag core
-Skip running core tests
-ddev nightwatch --skiptags core
-Run a single test
-ddev nightwatch tests/Drupal/Nightwatch/Tests/exampleTest.js
-a11y tests for both the admin and default themes
-ddev nightwatch --tag a11y
-a11y tests for the admin theme only
-ddev nightwatch --tag a11y:admin
-a11y tests for the default theme only
-ddev nightwatch --tag a11y:default
-a11y test for a custom theme used as the default theme
-ddev nightwatch --tag a11y:default --defaultTheme bartik
-a11y test for a custom admin theme
-ddev nightwatch --tag a11y:admin --adminTheme seven
+# ddev-core-dev
+This is a DDEV addon for doing Drupal core development.
+We're in #ddev-for-core-dev on [Drupal Slack](https://www.drupal.org/community/contributor-guide/reference-information/talk/tools/slack) (but please try and keep work and feature requests in Issues where it's visible to all 🙏)
+`ddev drush` is fully supported, along with using or testing MariaDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL databases (and Sqlite3)
+git clone https://git.drupalcode.org/project/drupal.git drupal
+cd drupal
+ddev config --project-type=drupal
+ddev get justafish/ddev-drupal-core-dev
+ddev restart
+ddev composer install
+ddev config --update
+# Install drupal
+ddev drush si -y --account-pass==admin
+# Run PHPUnit tests
+ddev phpunit core/modules/sdc
+# Run Nightwatch tests (currently only runs on Chrome)
+ddev nightwatch --tag core
+## Using various database types
+By default, the DDEV default database type is used (MariaDB).
+To use another supported database type,
+`ddev delete -Oy` and `ddev config --database=mysql:8.0` or `ddev config --database=postgres:16` for example.
+To use Sqlite,
+ddev stop
+ddev config --disable-settings-management --omit-containers=db
+rm -rf web/sites/default/settings*.php web/sites/default/files
+ddev start
+ddev drupal install
+## Nightwatch Examples
+You can watch Nightwatch running in real time at https://drupal.ddev.site:7900
+for Chrome and https://drupal.ddev.site:7901 for Firefox. The password is
+"secret". YMMV using Firefox as core tests don't currently run on it.
+Only core tests
+ddev nightwatch --tag core
+Skip running core tests
+ddev nightwatch --skiptags core
+Run a single test
+ddev nightwatch tests/Drupal/Nightwatch/Tests/exampleTest.js
+a11y tests for both the admin and default themes
+ddev nightwatch --tag a11y
+a11y tests for the admin theme only
+ddev nightwatch --tag a11y:admin
+a11y tests for the default theme only
+ddev nightwatch --tag a11y:default
+a11y test for a custom theme used as the default theme
+ddev nightwatch --tag a11y:default --defaultTheme bartik
+a11y test for a custom admin theme
+ddev nightwatch --tag a11y:admin --adminTheme seven
diff --git a/config.ddev-drupal-core-dev.yaml b/config.ddev-drupal-core-dev.yaml
index d6bcda1..6c12f31 100644
--- a/config.ddev-drupal-core-dev.yaml
+++ b/config.ddev-drupal-core-dev.yaml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-# #ddev-generated
-# This file is placed by the justafish/ddev-drupal-core-dev addon.
-webimage_extra_packages: ["chromium-driver"]
-ddev_version_constraint: '>=v1.23.1'
-# The install technique tries to remove all of sites/default/files
-# but with DDEV + mutagen that isn't possible.
-# so just redirect the upload_dirs.
- - .ddev/tmp
+# #ddev-generated
+# This file is placed by the justafish/ddev-drupal-core-dev addon.
+webimage_extra_packages: ["chromium-driver"]
+ddev_version_constraint: '>=v1.23.1'
+# The install technique tries to remove all of sites/default/files
+# but with DDEV + mutagen that isn't possible.
+# so just redirect the upload_dirs.
+ - .ddev/tmp
diff --git a/core-dev/phpunit-chrome.xml b/core-dev/phpunit-chrome.xml
index 8e5e47c..b4f1a5a 100644
--- a/core-dev/phpunit-chrome.xml
+++ b/core-dev/phpunit-chrome.xml
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
- ./tests/TestSuites/UnitTestSuite.php
- ./tests/TestSuites/KernelTestSuite.php
- ./tests/TestSuites/FunctionalTestSuite.php
- ./tests/TestSuites/FunctionalJavascriptTestSuite.php
- ./tests/TestSuites/BuildTestSuite.php
- ./includes
- ./lib
- ./modules
- ../modules
- ../sites
- ./modules/*/src/Tests
- ./modules/*/tests
- ../modules/*/src/Tests
- ../modules/*/tests
- ../modules/*/*/src/Tests
- ../modules/*/*/tests
- ./lib/**
- ./modules/**
- ../modules/**
+ ./tests/TestSuites/UnitTestSuite.php
+ ./tests/TestSuites/KernelTestSuite.php
+ ./tests/TestSuites/FunctionalTestSuite.php
+ ./tests/TestSuites/FunctionalJavascriptTestSuite.php
+ ./tests/TestSuites/BuildTestSuite.php
+ ./includes
+ ./lib
+ ./modules
+ ../modules
+ ../sites
+ ./modules/*/src/Tests
+ ./modules/*/tests
+ ../modules/*/src/Tests
+ ../modules/*/tests
+ ../modules/*/*/src/Tests
+ ../modules/*/*/tests
+ ./lib/**
+ ./modules/**
+ ../modules/**
diff --git a/core-dev/phpunit-firefox.xml b/core-dev/phpunit-firefox.xml
index 109c9f7..23fd617 100644
--- a/core-dev/phpunit-firefox.xml
+++ b/core-dev/phpunit-firefox.xml
@@ -1,102 +1,102 @@
- ./tests/TestSuites/UnitTestSuite.php
- ./tests/TestSuites/KernelTestSuite.php
- ./tests/TestSuites/FunctionalTestSuite.php
- ./tests/TestSuites/FunctionalJavascriptTestSuite.php
- ./tests/TestSuites/BuildTestSuite.php
- ./includes
- ./lib
- ./modules
- ../modules
- ../sites
- ./modules/*/src/Tests
- ./modules/*/tests
- ../modules/*/src/Tests
- ../modules/*/tests
- ../modules/*/*/src/Tests
- ../modules/*/*/tests
- ./lib/**
- ./modules/**
- ../modules/**
+ ./tests/TestSuites/UnitTestSuite.php
+ ./tests/TestSuites/KernelTestSuite.php
+ ./tests/TestSuites/FunctionalTestSuite.php
+ ./tests/TestSuites/FunctionalJavascriptTestSuite.php
+ ./tests/TestSuites/BuildTestSuite.php
+ ./includes
+ ./lib
+ ./modules
+ ../modules
+ ../sites
+ ./modules/*/src/Tests
+ ./modules/*/tests
+ ../modules/*/src/Tests
+ ../modules/*/tests
+ ../modules/*/*/src/Tests
+ ../modules/*/*/tests
+ ./lib/**
+ ./modules/**
+ ../modules/**
diff --git a/install.yaml b/install.yaml
index b050f7a..2b9f2aa 100644
--- a/install.yaml
+++ b/install.yaml
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-# Details about the install.yaml file are at https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users/extend/additional-services/#sections-and-features-of-ddev-get-add-on-installyaml
-name: ddev-drupal-core-dev
- - config.core-dev.yaml
- - docker-compose.core-dev-selenium.yaml
- - core-dev/phpunit-firefox.xml
- - core-dev/phpunit-chrome.xml
- - commands/web/drupal
- - commands/web/drush
- - commands/web/phpunit
- - commands/web/nightwatch
- - core-dev/install_drush.sh
- - core-dev/gitignore
- - core-dev/.env
- - core-dev/src/Command/AdminLoginCommand.php
- - core-dev/src/Command/BootCommand.php
- - core-dev/src/Command/CacheCommand.php
- - core-dev/src/Command/TestCommand.php
- - core-dev/src/Command/TestBrowserCommand.php
- - core-dev/src/Command/UninstallCommand.php
- - cp core-dev/gitignore ../.gitignore
- - mkdir -p ../test_output
- - chmod +w ../test_output
- - |
- for item in ../core/phpunit.xml ../core/.env ../.gitignore; do
- if grep '#ddev-generated' ${item} >/dev/null; then
- rm -f ${item}
- fi
- done
- - rm -rf ../test_output
+# Details about the install.yaml file are at https://ddev.readthedocs.io/en/latest/users/extend/additional-services/#sections-and-features-of-ddev-get-add-on-installyaml
+name: ddev-drupal-core-dev
+ - config.core-dev.yaml
+ - docker-compose.core-dev-selenium.yaml
+ - core-dev/phpunit-firefox.xml
+ - core-dev/phpunit-chrome.xml
+ - commands/web/drupal
+ - commands/web/drush
+ - commands/web/phpunit
+ - commands/web/nightwatch
+ - core-dev/install_drush.sh
+ - core-dev/gitignore
+ - core-dev/.env
+ - core-dev/src/Command/AdminLoginCommand.php
+ - core-dev/src/Command/BootCommand.php
+ - core-dev/src/Command/CacheCommand.php
+ - core-dev/src/Command/TestCommand.php
+ - core-dev/src/Command/TestBrowserCommand.php
+ - core-dev/src/Command/UninstallCommand.php
+ - cp core-dev/gitignore ../.gitignore
+ - mkdir -p ../test_output
+ - chmod +w ../test_output
+ - |
+ for item in ../core/phpunit.xml ../core/.env ../.gitignore; do
+ if grep '#ddev-generated' ${item} >/dev/null; then
+ rm -f ${item}
+ fi
+ done
+ - rm -rf ../test_output
diff --git a/tests/test.bats b/tests/test.bats
index 3f54ef5..11e4241 100644
--- a/tests/test.bats
+++ b/tests/test.bats
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
-setup() {
- set -eu -o pipefail
- export DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$BATS_TEST_FILENAME" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )/.."
- export TESTDIR=~/tmp/test-ddev-drupal-core-dev
- rm -rf ${TESTDIR}
- mkdir -p ${TESTDIR}
- export PROJNAME=test-ddev-drupal-core-dev
- ddev delete -Oy ${PROJNAME} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
- curl -L -o /tmp/drupal.tar.gz https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-11.x-dev.tar.gz
- tar --strip-components 1 -zxf /tmp/drupal.tar.gz -C ${TESTDIR}
- cd "${TESTDIR}"
- mv vendor /tmp/vendor.bak
- git config --global user.email "example@example.com"
- git config --global user.name "Example Example"
- git init && git add . >/dev/null && git commit -m "current" >/dev/null
- mv /tmp/vendor.bak vendor
- ddev config --project-name=${PROJNAME} --upload-dirs=.ddev/tmp
- ddev config --update
- ddev start -y >/dev/null
- ddev composer install >/dev/null
-base_checks() {
- ddev exec "curl -s chrome:7900" | grep "noVNC" >/dev/null
- ddev exec "curl -s firefox:7901" | grep "noVNC" >/dev/null
- ddev phpunit core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Datetime/DateTimePlusTest.php
-drush_checks() {
- # Make sure there's nothing in the git index before drush install
- git diff --cached --quiet
- ddev drush st
- # Make sure there's nothing after the drush install
- git diff --cached --quiet || (echo "git index has been touched" && exit 2)
- ddev drush si -y --account-pass=admin
-teardown() {
- set -eu -o pipefail
- cd ${TESTDIR} || ( printf "unable to cd to ${TESTDIR}\n" && exit 1 )
- ddev delete -Oy ${PROJNAME} >/dev/null 2>&1
- [ "${TESTDIR}" != "" ] && rm -rf ${TESTDIR}
-@test "install from directory" {
- set -eu -o pipefail
- cd ${TESTDIR}
- echo "# ddev get ${DIR} with project ${PROJNAME} in ${TESTDIR} ($(pwd))" >&3
- ddev get ${DIR}
- ddev restart
- base_checks
- drush_checks
-#TODO: Re-enable release tests after the add-on has a release with DDEV v1.23.0 support
-#@test "install from release" {
-# set -eu -o pipefail
-# cd ${TESTDIR} || ( printf "unable to cd to ${TESTDIR}\n" && exit 1 )
-# echo "# ddev get ddev/ddev-addon-template with project ${PROJNAME} in ${TESTDIR} ($(pwd))" >&3
-# ddev get justafish/ddev-drupal-core-dev
-# ddev restart >/dev/null
-# health_checks
+setup() {
+ set -eu -o pipefail
+ export DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "$BATS_TEST_FILENAME" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )/.."
+ export TESTDIR=~/tmp/test-ddev-drupal-core-dev
+ rm -rf ${TESTDIR}
+ mkdir -p ${TESTDIR}
+ export PROJNAME=test-ddev-drupal-core-dev
+ ddev delete -Oy ${PROJNAME} >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
+ curl -L -o /tmp/drupal.tar.gz https://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drupal-11.x-dev.tar.gz
+ tar --strip-components 1 -zxf /tmp/drupal.tar.gz -C ${TESTDIR}
+ cd "${TESTDIR}"
+ mv vendor /tmp/vendor.bak
+ git config --global user.email "example@example.com"
+ git config --global user.name "Example Example"
+ git init && git add . >/dev/null && git commit -m "current" >/dev/null
+ mv /tmp/vendor.bak vendor
+ ddev config --project-name=${PROJNAME} --upload-dirs=.ddev/tmp
+ ddev config --update
+ ddev start -y >/dev/null
+ ddev composer install >/dev/null
+base_checks() {
+ ddev exec "curl -s chrome:7900" | grep "noVNC" >/dev/null
+ ddev exec "curl -s firefox:7901" | grep "noVNC" >/dev/null
+ ddev phpunit core/tests/Drupal/Tests/Component/Datetime/DateTimePlusTest.php
+drush_checks() {
+ # Make sure there's nothing in the git index before drush install
+ git diff --cached --quiet
+ ddev drush st
+ # Make sure there's nothing after the drush install
+ git diff --cached --quiet || (echo "git index has been touched" && exit 2)
+ ddev drush si -y --account-pass=admin
+teardown() {
+ set -eu -o pipefail
+ cd ${TESTDIR} || ( printf "unable to cd to ${TESTDIR}\n" && exit 1 )
+ ddev delete -Oy ${PROJNAME} >/dev/null 2>&1
+ [ "${TESTDIR}" != "" ] && rm -rf ${TESTDIR}
+@test "install from directory" {
+ set -eu -o pipefail
+ cd ${TESTDIR}
+ echo "# ddev get ${DIR} with project ${PROJNAME} in ${TESTDIR} ($(pwd))" >&3
+ ddev get ${DIR}
+ ddev restart
+ base_checks
+ drush_checks
+#TODO: Re-enable release tests after the add-on has a release with DDEV v1.23.0 support
+#@test "install from release" {
+# set -eu -o pipefail
+# cd ${TESTDIR} || ( printf "unable to cd to ${TESTDIR}\n" && exit 1 )
+# echo "# ddev get ddev/ddev-addon-template with project ${PROJNAME} in ${TESTDIR} ($(pwd))" >&3
+# ddev get justafish/ddev-drupal-core-dev
+# ddev restart >/dev/null
+# health_checks