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alex_prokopenko edited this page Dec 1, 2017 · 8 revisions

WordPress Project Template By JustCoded

WordPress Project Template is a skeleton WordPress site with modern development tools, easier configuration, improved folder structure and latest security best practices.

Better project structure

The organization of skeleton is similar to putting WordPress core files in its own subdirectory, wp-content stays the same.

File structure

* Note: We didn't isolate web root from non-web files and vendors directory (this will definitely improve the security), because such action will make this template incompatible with WP Engine and other WordPress-specific hosting.

Dependency management with Composer

Manage your WordPress install and plugins with Composer, a PHP dependency manager. Composer will make development more reliable, help with team collaboration, and it helps maintain a better Git repository.

Easy WordPress configuration

Environment specific configuration files and environment variables with Dotenv.

Important plugins out of the box

The package has some pre-defined plugins already installed (they will be downloaded through installation automatically). We included most popular plugins for SEO, better editing experience, SMTP support, etc.

Enhanced security

  • Deny access to non-web files with server directives (with .htaccess files).
  • Deny PHP scripts execution inside wp-content/uploads folder.
  • Deny browsing the directory files list.
  • Production & Staging environments have a restriction to update files from admin panel (only Media is allowed).
  • Command-line scripts for generating wp-admin HTTP Authorization files.

* Note: Works for LAMP stacks with mod_rewrite enabled (most popular server configuration).

Next: Installation