Allows you to FLIP the card and SHIFT from one card to the next. With animations.
- User should see the app icon
- User should see a splash screen
- User should see an flip animation when revealing the answer
- User should see a slide animation when going to the next flashcard
- User should see a slide animation when going to the previous flashcard
- Push code to GitHub
- User should see a nicer flaschard with rounded corners, shadows, and animating when showing the first time
- User should see all views properly layout when using the app on a phone of different sizes
- Correct answer in multiple choice should be random
Allows you to create new flashcards, swap between them, and save them to disk
Add the URL to your animated app walk-though gif
in the image tag below. Make sure the gif actually renders and animates when viewing this README.
- User can browse through multiple flashcards
- User can re-open the app and see previously created flashcards
- Push code to GitHub
- User can delete a flashcard
- User can edit existing flashcard
- User can store multiple choice questions