- src/Model → defines individual and mass types and predicates
- src/EF2synShort.hs → syntax definition for English fragment
- src/EF3semShort.hs → how to evaluate truth value of a synactic type given a model
- src/Parser/hs → how to parse strings to syntactic types and evaluate them
- app/Main.hs → demo showing evaluation of different sentences
stack build && stack exec plurals-lin268-exe
- Alternatively one can just load all the files in src/ in the repl using
stack ghci
In my collective-distributive homework I represented plural entities as lists of atoms. To allow predicates
to distinguish between mass terms and plural entities I modified my definition of Entity
data Atom = Alice' | Bob' | Cyrus' | Ellie' | Irene' | SnowWhite' | Sword' | Bottle' |
Ollie' | Quine' | Ring' | Harry' | Xena' deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum, Ord)
type Tag = Int
data Mass = Mass' [Tag] deriving Show
data Plural = Plural' [Atom] deriving Show
data Entity = Pl' Plural | Ms' Mass deriving Show
atoms :: [Atom]
atoms = [minBound..maxBound]
domain :: [Entity]
domain = (map Pl' (map Plural' (powerset atoms))) ++ masses
masses = [materialize_ [Ring'], materialize_ [Sword']]
-- ...
materialize'' :: [Atom] -> Mass
materialize'' xs = Mass' (map fromEnum xs)
materialize_ :: [Atom] -> Entity
materialize_ xs = Ms' (materialize'' xs)
I use pattern matching in my predicates to check if a value of type Entity
is a mass term or a plural entity.
My definition of the Mass
type allows for a clear connection between individuals and portions of matter (I just use
the number returned by fromEnum for the Tag
) but while allowing for portions of matter that do not correspond to
any individual (just use a Tag
greater than fromEnum maxBound
). I do not do anything clever regarding defining
the mass terms in my domain, I just add a few chosen mass terms to my domain list. This was in interest of time because I had tried
many possible ideas that did not result in working code. The domain
variable is used inside my implementation of the intDET
for interpretating determiners as shown below in the semantics section. It is used as a starting domain of entities to filter through using
predicates that the determiners modify (i.e. the nouns).
As an illustration of how I handle predicates which differentiate between individuals and masses, here is my code for implementing predicate for the verb "give":
-- Three-Place Predicates
list2ThreePlacePred :: [[Atom]] -> [Atom] -> [Atom] -> [Atom] -> Bool
list2ThreePlacePred xs = \x -> (\y -> (\z -> findThree x y z xs))
where findThree :: [Atom] -> [Atom] -> [Atom] -> [[Atom]] -> Bool
findThree [x] [y] [z] threes = elem [x, y, z] threes
findThree _ _ _ _ = False
elem3m :: [Entity] -> [[Entity]] -> Bool
elem3m [(Pl' x), (Pl' y), (Ms' z)] xss = any (\[(Pl' x'), (Pl' y'), (Ms' z')] -> (x == x' && y == y' && z == z')) xss
elem3m _ xss = False
list2ThreePlacePredM :: [[Entity]] -> ThreePlacePred
list2ThreePlacePredM xs = \x y z -> findThree x y z xs
where findThree :: Entity -> Entity -> Entity -> [[Entity]] -> Bool
findThree x y z threes = elem3m [x, y, z] threes
give :: ThreePlacePred
give (Pl' (Plural' x)) (Pl' (Plural' y)) (Pl' (Plural' z)) = give' x y z
where give' = list2ThreePlacePred giveList
give x@(Pl' x') y@(Pl' y') z@(Ms' z') = giveM x y z
where giveM = list2ThreePlacePredM giveListM
give _ _ _ = False
Here I am not handling plural entities because of the complexity involved (i.e. combinatoric explosion of possible interpretations),
only my 1-place predicates handle plurals. I allow for a mass to be given to an individual extensive use of pattern matching.
My plural and mass types implement the Eq
typeclass to be able to handle different notions of equality for masses and plurals.
"Scatter" is an example of collective predicate which only works for the domain of plural objects and not atoms (ex: one person cannot scatter),
I utilize a groupPred
helper function to count the numer of atoms a plural entity is composed of. In this case I define "scatter" to be true
for any group of atoms greater than two.
data CN = Sng SCN | Pl PCN | Ms MCN deriving Show
data MCN = Gold_ deriving (Bounded, Enum, Show, Eq)
data PCN = Plur SCN deriving Show
I added syntax types for singular (SCN
), plural (PCN
), and mass terms (MCN
) as shown above.
Plurals are constructed from singular nouns and CN
's or "common nouns" are constructed from either of the three subtypes of nouns.
My type constructor for a gold mass Gold_
has an underscore because I also have a gold adjective type and haskell does not
allow type constructors with the same name for different types in the same module.
data DET' = Each' | Every' | Some' | Most' | The' | A' | All' | No' deriving Show
data DP = Some1 PCN | Some2 ADJ PCN | Some3 RPCN | Each1 SCN | Each2 ADJ SCN | Each3 RSCN |
Every1 SCN | Every2 ADJ SCN | Every3 RSCN | Most1 PCN | Most2 ADJ PCN | Most3 RPCN |
The1 CN | The2 ADJ CN | The3 RCN | A1 SCN | A2 ADJ SCN | A3 RSCN |
All1 PCN | All2 ADJ PCN | All3 RPCN | No1 CN | No2 ADJ CN | No3 RCN |
Empty Name | Some4 MCN | Most4 MCN | The4 MCN | All4 MCN | No4 MCN deriving Show
I used type constructors to restrict the type of noun a determiner can receive to make a determiner phrase as shown above.
The DET'
type is not used in constructing any syntax types but rather is used as a hack for defining my interpretation
function for determiner phrases as will be discussed in the Semantics section.
, and RPCN
correspond to phrases constructed using "That".
data RCN = RCN1 CN That VP | RCN2 CN That DP TV | RCN3 ADJ CN That VP | RCN4 ADJ CN That DP TV deriving Show
data RSCN = RSCN1 SCN That VP | RSCN2 SCN That DP TV | RSCN3 ADJ SCN That VP | RSCN4 ADJ SCN That DP TV deriving Show
data RPCN = RPCN1 PCN That VP | RPCN2 PCN That DP TV | RPCN3 ADJ PCN That VP | RPCN4 ADJ PCN That DP TV deriving Show
Since my determiners are
restricted to what type of noun they can take, that is why I have three different RCN
types instead of one. This could
possibly been rewritten to use less types but it works. Notice I also have type constructors to handle the case of an optional adjective.
This could have been implemented using a Maybe ADJ
type but I did not do this for simplicity, once you start using Maybe
your code tends to have to handle it everywhere.
Here are snippets of my interpretation function for determiners and determiner phrases:
-- Based on starter code by Professor Grimm
intDET :: DET' -> (Entity -> Bool) -> (Entity -> Bool) -> Bool
intDET All' p q = all q (filter p domain)
intDET Each' p q = all q (filter p domain)
intDET Some' p q = any q (filter p domain)
intDET A' p q = any q (filter p domain)
intDET Every' p q = all q (filter p domain)
intDET The' p q = (not $ null plist) && singleton plist && q (maxElement plist)
where plist = filter p domain
singleton [x] = True
singleton xs = all (\x -> x `ipart` (maxElement xs)) xs
intDP :: DP -> OnePlacePred -> Bool
intDP (The1 cn) = (intDET The') (intCN cn)
intDP (The2 adj cn) = (intDET The') ((intADJ adj) (intCN cn))
intDP (The3 rcn) = (intDET The') (intRCN rcn)
intDP (The4 mcn) = (intDET The') (intMCN mcn)
I pattern match on the type constructor for my DP
type and give the corresponding DET'
type to my intDET function,
this was the so-called "hack" I mentioned earlier. Implementing my syntax and semantics this way allows for me to syntactically restrict the types
of nouns a determiner can take yet still have a single intDET function to handle all the different determiners. There are probably cleaner ways to do this.
Mass terms and plural object affect my implementation of determiners, which is most apparent in how I handle the "The" determiner:
intDET The' p q = (not $ null plist) && singleton plist && q (maxElement plist)
where plist = filter p domain
singleton [x] = True
singleton xs = all (\x -> x `ipart` (maxElement xs)) xs
For singular entities, which are represented by a plural type with a list containing one entity, the "The" determiner is only true if there is only one singular entity in the current domain. For plural entities and mass entities, I modify this by checking whether every smaller entity is an i-part or m-part of largest entity (as defined by which entity is the result of joining the most singular entities/portions of matter together). I have to check if plist is not null so that I don't run into an empty list exception if there is no entity in the domain that satisfies the predicate p.
size' :: Entity -> Int
size' (Pl' (Plural' xs)) = length xs
size' (Ms' (Mass' xs)) = length xs
maxElement xss = maximumBy (compare `on` size') xss
For the interpretation of determiners, finding this max element by comparing the length of the list of atoms or portions of matter a
or Mass
type has. This implementation choice could have issues with representing collective predicates like "coven", but
I try to handle that in how I defined my predicates in src/Model.hs
to handle collective or distributive behavior.
intMCN :: MCN -> OnePlacePred
intMCN mcn = case mcn of
Gold_ -> gold'
intCN :: CN -> OnePlacePred
intCN (Sng scn) = (intSCN scn)
intCN (Pl pcn) = intPCN pcn
intCN (Ms mcn) = intMCN mcn
I modified my interpretation of nouns to handle the three different types of nouns and added a new interpretation function for mass terms.
is different from the gold
predicate in that it is only true for mass entities. These two predicats denote
the difference between something being a portion of gold and an individual entity having the quality of being gold, i.e. "the gold" vs.
"the gold ring".
intRCN :: RCN -> OnePlacePred
intRCN (RCN1 cn That vp) = \ e -> ((intCN cn e) && (intVP vp e))
intRCN (RCN2 cn That dp tv) = \ e -> ((intCN cn e) && (intDP dp (\ subj -> (intTV tv subj e))))
intRCN (RCN3 adj cn That vp) = \ e -> ( ((intADJ adj) (intCN cn) e) && (intVP vp e))
intRCN (RCN4 adj cn That dp tv) = \ e -> ( ((intADJ adj) (intCN cn) e) && (intDP dp (\ subj -> (intTV tv subj e))))
I utilize partial function application and lambda functions to implement the interpretation of verb phrases in an RCN
I connect the interpretation of the noun with the verb phrase with a logical and. intADJ
has type ADJ -> OnePlacePred -> OnePlacePred
because an adjective modifies the interpretation of a noun.
intSCN :: SCN -> OnePlacePred
intSCN scn = case scn of
Bottle -> f bottle
Man -> f man
Woman -> f woman
Boy -> f boy
Girl -> f girl
Witch -> f witch
Wizard -> f wizard
Giant -> f giant
Dwarf -> f dwarf
Warrior -> f warrior
Sword -> f sword
Ring -> f ring
Person -> f person
Thing -> f thing
Group -> intCCN Group
Crowd -> intCCN Crowd
Couple -> intCCN Couple
Coven -> intCCN Coven
where f p = atom `compose` p
intCCN :: SCN -> OnePlacePred
intCCN ccn = case ccn of
Group -> group'
Crowd -> crowd
Couple -> couple
Coven -> coven
Some nouns which are syntactically singular can have a collective interpretation for their semantics. I handle this with a case for such collective nouns
to be interpretated by my intCCN
function. Collective predicates are defined using a groupPred :: Ordering -> Int -> Entity -> Bool
function in src/Model.hs
which checks how many atoms a plural object has. If a mass entity is given, the result is always False
groupPred :: Ordering -> Int -> Entity -> Bool
groupPred ord n = f
where f (Pl' (Plural' xs)) = groupPred' xs
f (Ms' y) = False
groupPred' = \x -> (length x) `compare` n == ord
I implemented parsing of a fragment of English using parser combinators with the help of Haskell's
Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP library. Parsers are of ReadP a
type and I use the readP_to_S
function to output a list of tuples of a parse and an unparsed leftover string given a parser and a string. ReadP is a monad so I make
heavy use of do notation to write cleaner code for my parsers.
sent :: ReadP Sent
sent = do
dp1 <- dp
vp1 <- vp
return (Sent dp1 vp1)
Parsers can be combined to form more complex parsers and I follow the definitions of my syntax types in src/EF2synShort.hs
to guide
how write my parsers. Note that in the code above, the sentence parser is defined using the determiner phrase parser dp
and the verb phrase
parser vp
. I build the final parsed Sent
type using the type constructor and return
. skipSpaces
accepts an arbitrary number of whitespace characters.
Here is an example of how I defined the parsing of a determiner phrase that has "The":
the' :: ReadP DP
the' = do
string "the"
dp <- (fmap The1 cn) <|> (fmap The4 mcn) <|> (fmap The3 rcn)
return dp
the_adj' :: ReadP DP
the_adj' = do
string "the"
ad <- adj
dp <- (fmap (The2 ad) cn)
return dp
detThe :: ReadP DP
detThe = the' <|> the_adj'
I build up the final parser using smaller parsers that handle the different cases of how a determiner phrase using "The" can be constructed.
The <|>
operator allows for defining alternative parses, both the left and right side of the operator are tried. fmap
another handy operator that I use to essentially compose the result of parse with a type constructor. The fmap
function lifts the type
constructor into the ReadP
monad context so that it can be composed with the result of a parser function. I use these two operators heavily
as can be seen by my definition of the'
to handle the different cases of constructing a determiner phrase using "The".
helperParsers :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> [ReadP a]
helperParsers f xs = map (\x -> (string $ f x) >> return x) xs
-- takes advantage of [minBound..maxBound] to enumerate all
-- values of a Bounded, Enum type
enumParsers :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Show a) => [ReadP a]
enumParsers = helperParsers lowerShow [minBound..maxBound]
where lowerShow = (\x -> filter (not . (`elem` "_")) (map toLower (show x)))
-- this is for types with represented as capitalized strings, i.e. Names
enumParsers' :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Show a) => [ReadP a]
enumParsers' = helperParsers show [minBound..maxBound]
name :: ReadP Name
name = choice enumParsers'
I take advantage of many of my syntax types deriving Bounded
and Enum
to construct helper functions that will enumerate
all the possible parsers for a given type. choice
is a function that works similar to <|>
, it tries to use every parser in the
list given to it to parse a string. I take advantage of my syntax types deriving Show
to help create a string representation of that type.
For example, I construct a function pluralize
to output the string representation of a PCN
plurals :: [PCN]
plurals = (map Plur singulars)
plualize :: PCN -> String
plualize (Plur x) = case x of
Man -> "Men"
Woman -> "Women"
Witch -> "Witches"
Dwarf -> "Dwarves"
_ -> (show x) ++ "s"
pluralParsers :: [ReadP PCN]
pluralParsers = helperParsers (\x -> map toLower (plualize x)) plurals
pcn :: ReadP PCN
pcn = choice pluralParsers
Just like with my parser for names, I use my helperParsers
function to construct a list of parsers to parse all the values for PCN
Finally I have an eval function as defined below to take a string containing an English sentence, parse it into a Sent
, and interpret it.
-- Find full parses and evaluate them using intSent
-- Empty list means no full parse (ill-formed sentence)
eval :: String -> [Bool]
eval str = map (\x -> intSent $ fst x) parses'
where parses = readP_to_S sent str
parses' = filter fullyParsed parses
fullyParsed pair = length (snd pair) == 0
One note is that I filter out any parses with leftover characters because they are mostly likely incorrect parses of the sentence string.
There is most likely a lot of refactoring I can do to make shorter, cleaner code. In some places I tried to balance terseness of code with readability, like with how I defined my parsers for my determiners. Much of the verbose code was due to the constraint of wanting working code in a (somewhat) reasonable timeframe. My implementation of the domain of individuals as a powerset (i.e. a list of lists) is probably not the most efficient choice and for more than about 13 atoms my interpretation functions take an unreasonable amount of time to run. There are also probably more clever ways of adding mass entities to my domain. The tricky issue with mass entities is that they form a possibly non-atomic semillatice so they can not be enumerated like my plural entities can be. Perphaps there is a way to utilize the lazy evaluation of Haskell to get around this issue.
- ReadP on Hackage
- Two Wrongs' blog post
- Starter code provided by Professor Grimm
- Link paper