Experimenting with functional programming in Ceylon.
While this project may at some point evolve into something more, it is not currently intended to be used by real applications.
A simplified (and incomplete) implementation of Iteratee
s and Enumeratee
This library was written with the help of the following resources:
- https://jazzy.id.au/2012/11/06/iteratees_for_imperative_programmers.html
- http://blog.higher-order.com/blog/2010/10/14/scalaz-tutorial-enumeration-based-io-with-iteratees/
- http://jsuereth.com/scala/2012/02/29/iteratees.html
- https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.4.x/api/scala/index.html#play.api.libs.iteratee.package
- http://docs.typelevel.org/api/scalaz/stable/7.0.2/doc/#scalaz.iteratee.package
A basic Ceylon implementation of "Extensible Pipelines with Object Algebras" from http://cgi.di.uoa.gr/~biboudis/streamalg.pdf.
A small library for implementing recursive algorithms in constant stack space.
The content of this repository is released under the MIT License as provided in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
By submitting a "pull request" or otherwise contributing to this repository, you agree to license your contribution under the license mentioned above.