title={DIPS-Plus: The Enhanced Database of Interacting Protein Structures for Interface Prediction},
author={Alex Morehead and Chen Chen and Ada Sedova and Jianlin Cheng},
- Version 1.0.0: Initial release of DIPS-Plus and DB5-Plus (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4815267)
- Version 1.1.0: Minor updates to DIPS-Plus and DB5-Plus' tar archives (DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5134732)
- DIPS-Plus' final 'raw' tar archive now includes standardized 80%-20% lists of filenames for training and validation, respectively
- DB5-Plus' final 'raw' tar archive now includes (optional) standardized lists of filenames for training and validation, respectively
- DB5-Plus' final 'raw' tar archive now also includes a corrected (i.e. de-duplicated) list of filenames for its 55 test complexes
- Benchmark results included in our paper were run after this issue was resolved
- However, if you ran experiments using DB5-Plus' filename list for its test complexes, please re-run them using the latest list
First, install and configure Conda environment:
# Clone project:
git clone https://github.com/amorehead/DIPS-Plus
# Change to project directory:
cd DIPS-Plus
# (If on HPC cluster) Download latest 64-bit Linux version of Miniconda and activate it:
wget https://repo.anaconda.com/miniconda/Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh # Specify install directory
source miniconda/bin/activate # Assuming environment created above is called 'miniconda'
# Create Conda environment using local 'environment.yml' file:
conda env create --name DIPS-Plus -f environment.yml
# Create Conda environment in a particular directory using local 'environment.yml' file:
conda env create --prefix MY-VENV-DIR -f environment.yml
# Activate Conda environment located in the current directory:
conda activate DIPS-Plus
# (Optional) Activate Conda environment located in another directory:
conda activate MY-VENV-DIR
# (Optional) Deactivate the currently-activated Conda environment:
conda deactivate
# Perform a full update on the Conda environment described in 'environment.yml':
conda env update -f environment.yml --prune
# (Optional) To remove this long prefix in your shell prompt, modify the env_prompt setting in your .condarc file with:
conda config --set env_prompt '({name})'
(If on HPC cluster) Install all project dependencies:
# Install project as a pip dependency in the Conda environment currently activated:
pip3 install -e .
# Install external pip dependencies in the Conda environment currently activated:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
│ │
│ └───datasets
│ │ │
│ │ └───builder
│ │ │
│ │ └───DB5
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───final
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └───raw
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───interim
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └───complexes
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └───external_feats
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └───pairs
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───raw
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ README
│ │ │
│ │ └───DIPS
│ │ │
│ │ └───filters
│ │ │
│ │ └───final
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───raw
│ │ │
│ │ └───interim
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───complexes
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───external_feats
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └───pairs-pruned
│ │ │
│ │ └───raw
│ │ │
│ │ └───pdb
│ │
│ └───utils
│ constants.py
│ utils.py
Retrieve protein complexes from the RCSB PDB and build out directory structure:
# Remove all existing training/testing sample lists
rm project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw/pairs-postprocessed.txt project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw/pairs-postprocessed-train.txt project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw/pairs-postprocessed-val.txt project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw/pairs-postprocessed-test.txt
# Create data directories (if not already created):
mkdir project/datasets/DIPS/raw project/datasets/DIPS/raw/pdb project/datasets/DIPS/interim project/datasets/DIPS/interim/external_feats project/datasets/DIPS/final project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw project/datasets/DIPS/final/processed
# Download the raw PDB files:
rsync -rlpt -v -z --delete --port=33444 --include='*.gz' --include='*.xz' --include='*/' --exclude '*' \
rsync.rcsb.org::ftp_data/biounit/coordinates/divided/ project/datasets/DIPS/raw/pdb
# Extract the raw PDB files:
python3 project/datasets/builder/extract_raw_pdb_gz_archives.py project/datasets/DIPS/raw/pdb
# Process the raw PDB data into associated pair files:
python3 project/datasets/builder/make_dataset.py project/datasets/DIPS/raw/pdb project/datasets/DIPS/interim --num_cpus 28 --source_type rcsb --bound
# Apply additional filtering criteria:
python3 project/datasets/builder/prune_pairs.py project/datasets/DIPS/interim/pairs project/datasets/DIPS/filters project/datasets/DIPS/interim/pairs-pruned --num_cpus 28
# Generate externally-sourced features:
python3 project/datasets/builder/generate_psaia_features.py "$PSAIADIR" "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/builder/psaia_config_file_dips.txt "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/raw/pdb "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/parsed "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/pairs-pruned "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/external_feats --source_type rcsb
python3 project/datasets/builder/generate_hhsuite_features.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/parsed "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/pairs-pruned "$HHSUITE_DB" "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/external_feats --num_cpu_jobs 4 --num_cpus_per_job 8 --num_iter 2 --source_type rcsb --write_file
# Add new features to the filtered pairs, ensuring that the pruned pairs' original PDB files are stored locally for DSSP:
python3 project/datasets/builder/download_missing_pruned_pair_pdbs.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/raw/pdb "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/pairs-pruned --num_cpus 32 --rank "$1" --size "$2"
python3 project/datasets/builder/postprocess_pruned_pairs.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/raw/pdb "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/pairs-pruned "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/interim/external_feats "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw --num_cpus 32
# Partition dataset filenames, aggregate statistics, and impute missing features
python3 project/datasets/builder/partition_dataset_filenames.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw --source_type rcsb --filter_by_atom_count True --max_atom_count 17500 --rank "$1" --size "$2"
python3 project/datasets/builder/collect_dataset_statistics.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw --rank "$1" --size "$2"
python3 project/datasets/builder/log_dataset_statistics.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw --rank "$1" --size "$2"
python3 project/datasets/builder/impute_missing_feature_values.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw --impute_atom_features False --advanced_logging False --num_cpus 32 --rank "$1" --size "$2"
# Optionally convert each postprocessed (final 'raw') complex into a pair of DGL graphs (final 'processed') with labels
python3 project/datasets/builder/convert_complexes_to_graphs.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/final/raw "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DIPS/final/processed --num_cpus 32 --edge_dist_cutoff 15.0 --edge_limit 5000 --self_loops True --rank "$1" --size "$2"
Fetch prepared protein complexes from Dataverse:
# Download the prepared DB5 files:
wget -O project/datasets/DB5.tar.gz https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/access/datafile/:persistentId?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/H93ZKK/BXXQCG
# Extract downloaded DB5 archive:
tar -xzf project/datasets/DB5.tar.gz --directory project/datasets/
# Remove (now) redundant DB5 archive and other miscellaneous files:
rm project/datasets/DB5.tar.gz project/datasets/DB5/.README.swp
rm -rf project/datasets/DB5/interim project/datasets/DB5/processed
# Create relevant interim and final data directories:
mkdir project/datasets/DB5/interim project/datasets/DB5/interim/external_feats
mkdir project/datasets/DB5/final project/datasets/DB5/final/raw project/datasets/DB5/final/processed
# Construct DB5 dataset pairs:
python3 project/datasets/builder/make_dataset.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/raw "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim --num_cpus 32 --source_type db5 --unbound
# Generate externally-sourced features:
python3 project/datasets/builder/generate_psaia_features.py "$PSAIADIR" "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/builder/psaia_config_file_db5.txt "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/raw "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim/parsed "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim/parsed "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim/external_feats --source_type db5
python3 project/datasets/builder/generate_hhsuite_features.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim/parsed "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim/parsed "$HHSUITE_DB" "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim/external_feats --num_cpu_jobs 4 --num_cpus_per_job 8 --num_iter 2 --source_type db5 --write_file
# Add new features to the filtered pairs:
python3 project/datasets/builder/postprocess_pruned_pairs.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/raw "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim/pairs "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/interim/external_feats "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/final/raw --num_cpus 32 --source_type db5
# Partition dataset filenames, aggregate statistics, and impute missing features
python3 project/datasets/builder/partition_dataset_filenames.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/final/raw --source_type db5 --rank "$1" --size "$2"
python3 project/datasets/builder/collect_dataset_statistics.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/final/raw --rank "$1" --size "$2"
python3 project/datasets/builder/log_dataset_statistics.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/final/raw --rank "$1" --size "$2"
python3 project/datasets/builder/impute_missing_feature_values.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/final/raw --impute_atom_features False --advanced_logging False --num_cpus 32 --rank "$1" --size "$2"
# Optionally convert each postprocessed (final 'raw') complex into a pair of DGL graphs (final 'processed') with labels
python3 project/datasets/builder/convert_complexes_to_graphs.py "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/final/raw "$PROJDIR"/project/datasets/DB5/final/processed --num_cpus 32 --edge_dist_cutoff 15.0 --edge_limit 5000 --self_loops True --rank "$1" --size "$2"
We split the (tar.gz) archive into eight separate parts with 'split -b 4096M interim_external_feats_dips.tar.gz "interim_external_feats_dips.tar.gz.part"' to upload it to Zenodo, so to recover the original archive:
# Reassemble external features archive with 'cat'
cat interim_external_feats_dips.tar.gz.parta* >interim_external_feats_dips.tar.gz
While using Python 3 in this project, you may encounter the following error if you try to postprocess '.dill' pruned pairs that were created using Python 2.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dill.dill'
- To resolve it, ensure that the 'dill' package's version is greater than 0.3.2.
- If the problem persists, edit the pickle.py file corresponding to your Conda environment's Python 3 installation ( e.g. ~/DIPS-Plus/venv/lib/python3.8/pickle.py) and add the statement
if module == 'dill.dill': module = 'dill._dill'
to the end of the
if self.proto < 3 and self.fix_imports:
block in the Unpickler class' find_class() function (e.g. line 1577 of Python 3.8.5's pickle.py).