Spending more time searching than watching? Explore TMDB's massive database of television show and movie data using an attractive, and feature rich MERN stack application to find your next obsession from the comfort of your favorite device. Create an account and unlock the ability to manage a personalized watchlist of titles you're saving for later.
Visit the deployed application here!
Integration with TheMovieDB for fetching trending show and movie data
Unauthenticated users can:
View up to 100 trending TV shows and movies
Search for shows and movies by title
View show and movie data including basic details, streaming availability, complete cast lists, and other recommended shows and movies similar to a specific title
Click cast member cards to open a new browser tab directly to their Wikipedia page
Click recommended title cards to fetch data and navigate directly to show or movie details
Quickly assess the popularity of a title or its content rating using color coded user rating badges and text
Authenticated users can also:
Register for a new account
Add and remove titles to and from a personal watchlist
View and manage their watchlist from a dedicated profile page
Fully responsive React, TailwindCSS, and DaisyUI powered user interface optimized for devices of all sizes
Custom REST API (Node, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB) for managing user accounts and saving/removing movies from user watchlists
Client and server side user authentication using JSON web tokens