: PeaZip 主程序本地化文件- 应以 UTF-8 w/ BOM 编码
: PeaZip 的 Windows 右键菜单本地化文件- 应以 UTF-16 LE w/ BOM 编码
翻译文件以 GNU 自由文档协议(GFDL)发布,如 readme_about_translations.txt
All translated language files should be considered as released under GFDL, GNU Free Documentation License, as they have to be considered derivate work from the application's language file which is released under GFDL.
详情参见 LICENSE 文件。
: Localization file for PeaZip- should be UTF-8 w/ BOM encoded
: Localization file for Windows context menu of Peazip- should be UTF-16 LE w/ BOM encoded
Translation files are released under the GNU Free Document License (GFDL), as is described in readme_about_translations.txt
All translated language files should be considered as released under GFDL, GNU Free Documentation License, as they have to be considered derivate work from the application's language file which is released under GFDL.
See the LICENSE file for details.