This document details how to use the CoNLL03 data to train and evaluate an Apache OpenNLP model to identify named person entities. These steps use Apache OpenNLP models introduced in Apache OpenNLP 1.0 and supported by all versions of Apache OpenNLP. This training and evaluation does not require a GPU.
Download and extract Apache OpenNLP:
gunzip -c apache-opennlp-2.0.0-bin.tar.gz | tar xvf -
Download the CoNLL03 data set and unzip it:
Convert the ConLL03 train and test data to OpenNLP's format:
apache-opennlp-2.0.0/bin/opennlp TokenNameFinderConverter conll03 -lang eng \
-types per -data train.txt > corpus_train.txt
apache-opennlp-2.0.0/bin/opennlp TokenNameFinderConverter conll03 -lang eng \
-types per -data test.txt > corpus_test.txt
You will see output like Execution time: 0.136 seconds
for both commands.
Now train the model with default parameters and default features.
apache-opennlp-2.0.0/bin/opennlp TokenNameFinderTrainer -model en_ner_person.bin \
-lang eng -data corpus_train.txt -nameTypes person
You will see output like:
Indexing events with TwoPass using cutoff of 0
Computing event counts... done. 203621 events
Indexing... done.
Collecting events... Done indexing in 26.72 s.
Incorporating indexed data for training...
Number of Event Tokens: 203621
Number of Outcomes: 3
Number of Predicates: 442041
Computing model parameters...
Performing 300 iterations.
1: . (201717/203621) 0.9906492945226671
2: . (202770/203621) 0.9958206668270955
3: . (203129/203621) 0.9975837462737144
4: . (203261/203621) 0.9982320094685715
5: . (203381/203621) 0.9988213396457143
6: . (203429/203621) 0.9990570717165714
7: . (203454/203621) 0.9991798488368095
8: . (203494/203621) 0.9993762922291906
9: . (203509/203621) 0.9994499585013333
10: . (203533/203621) 0.999567824536762
20: . (203592/203621) 0.9998575785405238
30: . (203613/203621) 0.9999607113215239
Stopping: change in training set accuracy less than 1.0E-5
Stats: (203621/203621) 1.0
Training data summary:
#Sentences: 14041
#Tokens: 203621
#person entities: 6600
Writing name finder model ... Compressed 442041 parameters to 29538
4 outcome patterns
done (1.465s)
Wrote name finder model to
path: /tmp/en_ner_person.bin
Execution time: 9.972 seconds
Now evaluate the model:
apache-opennlp-2.0.0/bin/opennlp TokenNameFinderEvaluator -model en_ner_person.bin \
-data corpus_test.txt -nameTypes person
You will see output like:
Loading Token Name Finder model ... done (0.067s)
Average: 4680.2 sent/s
Total: 3454 sent
Runtime: 0.738s
Evaluated 3453 samples with 1617 entities; found: 1472 entities; correct: 1370.
TOTAL: precision: 93.07%; recall: 84.72%; F1: 88.70%.
person: precision: 93.07%; recall: 84.72%; F1: 88.70%. [target: 1617; tp: 1370; fp: 102]
Execution time: 0.888 seconds
With detailed output from the report file:
=== Evaluation summary ===
Number of sentences: 3453
Min sentence size: 1
Max sentence size: 124
Average sentence size: 13.45
Tags count: 3
Accuracy: 98.91%
<-end> Evaluation Corpus Statistics
=== Detailed Accuracy By Tag ===
| Tag | Errors | Count | % Err | Precision | Recall | F-Measure |
| person-start | 243 | 1617 | 0.15 | 0.933 | 0.85 | 0.89 |
| person-cont | 114 | 1156 | 0.099 | 0.935 | 0.901 | 0.918 |
| other | 151 | 43662 | 0.003 | 0.992 | 0.997 | 0.994 |
<-end> Tags with the highest number of errors
=== Confusion matrix ===
Tags with 100% accuracy:
a b c | Accuracy | <-- classified as
<43511> 58 93 | -100% | a = other
109 <1042> 5 | -100% | b = person-cont
229 14 <1374>| -100% | c = person-start
<-end> Confusion matrix