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Installation | Codebase Architecture | Configs | Dataset Prepare | Develop by Your Own

This repository is an easy to run and modify pipeline for image classification task.

Write your own yaml configuration file, or use the template yaml with modifying the dataroot and related settings, then you can run with timm provided networks in one line:

python -opt options/train/000_csvdata_timmarch_template.yml

or use the bash script to run it in nohup mode:

sh options/train/000_csvdata_timmarch_template.yml 0  # train logs saved in logs/train_000_0.log

Training logs are saved in ./tb_logger by default, use the following commands to see the training status

nohup tensorboard --logdir tb_logger --port 8123 > tb.log 2>&1 &
tail tb.log

open localhost with port 8123, then you can use tensorboard to analyse the training process.

0x00 ChangeLog

  • Aug 17, 2022 create codebase, including baseline model and timm-based arch, support csv and folder dataloader

0x01 Installation

clone the current repository using git:

git clone
cd image-classification-pipeline
pip install -r requirements.txt

or you can use this repository as template and develop in your own way.

0x02 Codebase Architecture

The codebase is organized as follows:

  • archs : network architectures, timm based arch TimmArch is used as default.
  • data
  • losses : implement customized losses, pre-implemented focal_loss as example
  • metrics : metrics for evaluation, e.g. Acc@1, Acc@5, Macro-F1score
  • models : model class which contains data feeding, train, eval, save model, inference etc.
  • options
    • train : train configs in .yml format
    • test : test configs in .yml format (input only, and save results)
  • scripts : useful scripts for pre-/post-processing of datasets
  • utils : utility functions collection
  • : train script which parses the config and run train/eval

0x03 Config Format Interpretation

Here we use options/train/000_csvdata_timmarch_template.yml as example to illustrate the format and meaning of necessary variables for the config yaml file.

# basic settings
exp_name: ~  # empty, will be overwritten by filename when start training
model_type: BaselineModel  # corresponding to models folder (module), currently only basemodel
log_dir: ./tb_logger  # where the tensorboard logger saved
save_dir: ../exps  # where the ckpts saved
device: cuda  # cuda or cpu
multi_gpu: false # if true, use all visible gpus to train

# dataset settings
        type: SimpleCSVDataloader  #  refer to data module to find the implemented dataloaders
        dataroot: /path/to/your/dataset  # data root for images
        csv_path: /path/to/your/train.csv  # csv file containing image path and labels
        imgpath_colname: 'image_path'  # column name referring to image path
        label_colname: 'label'  # column name referring to label
        is_append_root: true   # if csv saves only relative image path w.r.t. dataroot, set true
          augment_type: flip_aug # augmentation type, name of data/data_augment/*.py
          size: 512 # params for augment function
        batch_size: 10
        num_workers: 4

    val_dataset: # val dataset params meanings the same as above
        type: SimpleCSVDataloader
        dataroot: /path/to/your/dataset
        csv_path: /path/to/your/val.csv
        imgpath_colname: 'image_path'
        label_colname: 'label'
        is_append_root: true
            augment_type: flip_aug
            size: 512

train: # training settings, meaning as names
    num_epoch: 100
        type: TimmArch # template only contains TimmArch, which directly implements network using timm
        load_path: ~ # if local pretrained weights are utilized
        backbone: resnet34
        num_classes: 3
        pretrained: false

        type: Adam
        lr: !!float 5e-4
        weight_decay: 0
        betas: [0.9, 0.99]

        type: MultiStepLR
        milestones: [80]
        gamma: 0.1

        type: celoss  # support celoss and focal_loss

        type: topk_acc  # refer to module metrics
        k: 1

      eval_interval: 2  # eval model using val dataset each 2 epoches.

0x04 Dataset Preparation

Default dataset can be one of the following two forms.

CSV Format Dataset


Folder Format Dataset


0x05 Customized Usage

For simple training a classification model, writing your own yml config (as shown in 0x03) is enough. But if the pre-implemented model cannot meet your requirement, you can also add/modify your own customized components in a minimal cost of development.

add your own dataset

Write a under data folder, and import the class in, then you can select your customized dataloader classname in yml config. Returned dict should be the same as SimpleCSVDataset if you still use BaselineModel, otherwise it is not restricted.

add your own arch

Write a under archs folder, and import the class in Then select in yml model_arch -> type, params to construct the arch should be passed using arguments under load_path.

add your own model (to change train/eval/save/inference operations)

write a under models folder, and import in Model can be selected using model_type in yml config.

add your own loss, metric etc.

refer to the metrics and losses can develop your own metric and loss class.