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File metadata and controls

54 lines (35 loc) · 2.42 KB


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CLI tool for Multus CNI.

multusctl provides a more user-friendly way to work with network attachment definitions as compared to using kubectl directly. Additionally, it can be used to install and uninstall Multus.

In particular is solves the problem of escaping/unescaping the JSON CNI configuration embedded in the network attachment definition custom resource.

Additional features:

  • CNI configurations are normally in JSON, but multusctl also allows you to use YAML (the default), XML, and even CBOR.
  • Annotation awareness: when listing network attachement definitions it will also show you the resources that are attached to it.


multusctl install --wait
multusctl create myattachment --url=assets/config.yaml
multusctl list
multusctl get myattachment --format=json

The CNI configuration can also be provided via stdin:

cat assets/config.yaml | multusctl create myattachment


One-liner to download the latest Linux AMD64 version and install it in /usr/bin/ (requires curl, grep, sed, and tar):

VERSION=$(curl --silent | grep '"tag_name":' | sed --regexp-extended 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/') curl --silent --location$VERSION/multusctl_${VERSION:1}_linux_amd64.tar.gz | tar --directory=/usr/bin --extract --gzip multusctl

One-liner to install bash completions for the current user (for when you press TAB in bash):

mkdir --parents ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/ && multusctl bash > ~/.local/share/bash-completion/completions/multusctl && exec bash

You can also use this tool as a kubectl plugin. Just rename the multusctl executable to, say, kubectl-multus:

mv /usr/bin/multusctl /usr/bin/kubectl-multus

and then you can do this:

kubectl multus create myattachment --url=assets/config.yaml