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Matrix Destiny Chart is one of the personality analysis systems along with Human Design, astrology, numerology, and more.

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Destiny Matrix

Matrix Destiny Chart is one of the personality analysis systems along with Human Design, astrology, numerology, and more.

This is one of the simplest yet incredibly profound systems and tools. It involves basic calculations and knowledge of 22 energies. Matrix Destiny will provide you with a complete picture not only of your personal strengths and weaknesses but also inform you about your birth mission. Your father and mother will reveal the purpose, mission, and lessons of their embodiment, and the personal energy to attract partners and money into your life.

But that’s not all!

Using the Matrix Destiny Chart, you can identify the underlying causes of events in your life and also see which energies control your life at a particular time and what actions to take to shift the current energies from negative to positive.

This method is based on your birth date and ancient knowledge of the 22 main energies of the Universe. The purpose of this method is not only to provide you with a coordinate system but also to offer you practical suggestions to improve your destiny.

Matrix Destiny Today | Library of 8000+ matrix destiny charts | Kabastro Matrix [Report]

**How to use:**

Meaning of 22 numbers in Matrix Destiny Chart | 22 Energy Calculator

Each number in the Matrix Destiny Chart has a meaning and place in the universe. Do you know what your number means? Find out right here with with Number Meaning in Matrix Destiny Chart

Number 1 – The Magician

Keywords: Leadership, freedom, constantly changing.

Positive perspective

  • From birth he was endowed with unique abilities and a keen mind.
  • Capable of understanding the nature of any phenomenon.
  • Sensitive to all types of energy
  • Thoughts and wishes are easy to come true.
  • Where can you position yourself in society?
  • Have an optimistic view of the world
  • Easy going, willing to experiment and absorb everything new.
  • Lots of ideas for new projects
  •  This person strives for a vibrant life filled with exciting adventures and discoveries.
  • Likes to travel to many places and meet many people

Negative perspective

  • Possess a high ego. I can only admit that I am right
  • Suppressing and taking advantage of those around them for their own gain.
  • Selfishness can also be expressed (at worst) in the misuse of energy management capabilities.
  • Self-doubt.
  • Don’t love yourself and don’t trust your own abilities and feelings.
  • This person feels criticism painfully and doesn’t know how to forgive or ignore the insult.
  • Not drawing logical conclusions at the start
  • Easily abandon projects almost immediately after starting.

Number 2 – The High Priestess

| Kabastro

Keywords: Diplomacy, community, intuition

Positive perspective

  • Subtly smooth out sharp edges in any dialogue.
  • Easily neutralize the negative of the interlocutor.
  • Being able to feel and see what’s important.
  • Be humble and careful.
  • Flexible in personality
  • The ability to understand and accept the perspectives of different people.
  • Easily soothe others and even ease physical pain.
  • This person easily understands people’s feelings and problems and helps with wise advice.
  • Enjoy continuous learning throughout life
  • Love nature and animals.
  • There are many friends, but at the same time few close friends. Because this person attaches great importance to privacy and does not let anyone interfere in life.
  • Prioritize proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle.

Negative perspective

  • Be neutral in all situations and eliminate positive events. Sometimes leads to laziness and apathy.
  • You may feel an inner dissatisfaction with yourself and your life situation.
  • This person knows a lot about other people. This leaves them vulnerable to spreading rumors and gossip.
  • Play a variety of roles in front of each interlocutor.

Number 3 – The Empress (The Empress)

Keywords: Femininity, beauty, self-love

Positive perspective

  • The embodiment of luxury
  • Success in every part of life is important
  • This person needs a high status, so this person always strives to lead.
  • This person knows how to make money and is lucky in business.
  • Have a hobby of eating well and wearing beautiful clothes
  • Know how to get along with children and not forget yourself.
  • Always look stylish and well-groomed.
  •  Has an attractive appearance and strong energy that attracts the opposite sex.
  • Values ​​comfort in everything from relaxation to everyday life.
  • Success in the professional field
  • Know how to delegate part of the business and use energy wisely

Negative perspective

  • If for some reason there is no opportunity to develop as a professional. To succeed in society, character begins to deteriorate.
  • Authoritarian, behave like an autocrat.
  • Hates other people’s weaknesses and does not forgive mistakes.
  • Try to do everything at once.
  • Excessive pride and arrogance towards others
  • See yourself better, smarter, more important.
  • Excessive control over loved ones.
  • Put material interests above all

Number 4 – The Emperor

Keywords: Authority – Responsibility – Ability to arrange

Positive perspective

  • Control people and make important decisions.
  • Possessing a high position in society.
  • Able to lead people and have excellent organizational skills
  • Easily put everything in order. Set tasks and direct people to achieve results.
  • Strong, confident, purposeful and trustworthy.
  • Know how to negotiate, build an end-to-end system and think globally.
  • This person is ambitious, patronizing and protective.
  • A strong and charismatic person, a true leader in life.
  • Reliable and can be entrusted with any responsible business.

Negative perspective

  • A high level of responsibility for everything can turn into excessive control and concern.
  • Desire to intervene in every process even the smallest
  • The pursuit of material wealth can lead to abuses of power to problems with the law.
  • Excessive aggression in achieving goals.
  • Admiring authority and not placing anyone below you on the social ladder.
  • This person forgets that not everyone is born to rule and wants to be a leader.
  • This person does not recognize the individual rights and self-determination of others.

Number 5 – Hierophant

Keywords: High order, eloquence, leadership

Positive perspective

  • Many rules and traditions in life are very important.
  • Strictly follow the rules and laws and try to get others to do this.
  • Love the exact science and authoritative knowledge.
  • Likes to teach, to educate, this has a positive effect on relationships with children.
  • Family plays a huge role in one’s life.
  • Excellent oratory skills
  • Easily absorb new knowledge throughout life and teach it to others.
  • Logical thinking, accurate analytical ability are best developed

Negative perspective

  • Limits of laws and standards of thinking.
  • Strict adherence to academic antagonism will deprive the possibility of further development
  • Narrow perspective and lack of willingness to seek different solutions
  • This person divides the world into black and white
  • Not willing to give up views if they are outdated or certain laws are not working.
  • Imposing will and thoughts on those close to them. Make them hostage to that person’s value system.

Number 6 – The Lovers

Keywords: Heart, Charm, Dedication

Positive perspective

  • Relationships with people and the outside world are the primary existence.
  • Attractive, sociable.
  • Kind and easy to talk to
  • Easy to win hearts and easy to mingle with new people.
  • Rich in emotions and love the feeling of being loved. As well as sensual pleasures.
  • Love the beauty in everything

Negative perspective

  • Too dependent on people’s opinions.
  • Focus on appearance and style.
  • Afraid of being alone, she often rushes into a new relationship without hesitation.
  • Quite impulsive in feelings and actions.
  • Leans towards idealism and sees the world through “pink lenses”. Along with childlike spontaneity. This person may exhibit excessive childishness, as well as skepticism.

Number 7 – The Charioteer

| Kabastro

Keywords: Leader, full of hope, discovery – travel

Positive perspective

  • Possesses the energy of the conqueror, very strong and active.
  • Great ambition and strong leadership skills always help to achieve goals.
  • Be independent and responsible not only for yourself but also for others.
  • Focused on results and enjoys planning and strategizing.
  • Live positive, optimistic, easy to recover.
  • Constant movement is required as that recharges the person and contributes to an even greater development of activity.
  • Choose sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Negative perspective

  • Absolutely no guilt towards himself and also tough and quite demanding with others.
  • Behaving quite aggressively and belligerently if someone gets in the way of that person.
  • This person often goes ahead of the goal without taking into account the circumstances and opinions of others.
  • Too arbitrary.
  • Difficulty relaxing and less concerned with self and physical condition.
  • If there is no self-awareness for some reason. This person begins to lash out at loved ones.
  • They make it difficult for themselves because they see the flow of life as a battle.

Number 8 – Strength (Strength)

Keywords: Responsibility, Justice, Fearlessness

  • Positive perspective
  • Independent and profound in aspirations, feelings and thoughts.
  • Always seek truth and justice
  • Enjoy taking different courses, studying causality, the laws of fate and karma.
  • Often defends the weak.
  • Characterized by openness, friendly attitude towards others, fearlessness.
  • This person can help in stressful situations
  • Act quickly and make decisions
  • Confident and calm enough. Harmony and inner balance.

Negative perspective

  • Often interferes in places where this person should not interfere and only makes things worse.
  • Easily fall into depression
  • Behave quite aggressively, complain about injustice, start quarrels and quarrels.
  • This person may blame someone who doesn’t understand what he means.
  • It is possible to start fighting for someone else’s justice without caring about the situation or listening to the other side’s arguments.

Number 9 – The Hermit

Keywords: Independence, Never stop learning

Positive perspective

  • Prefer privacy over noisy companies.
  • Love to learn new things, learn a lot.
  • Wise and rich in life experience, generous in spirit, capable of empathy.
  • Take responsibility for everything you undertake.
  • Effective when working alone.
  • Love your partner very much and be faithful to that person for life.
  • Kind, forthright and honest.

Negative perspective

  • The love of solitude can, in extreme ways, lead to a hermitage.
  • Suspicious, rarely let anyone get close.
  • Little concern for self, health and physical condition.
  • Afraid of being alone, but creating all conditions to be alone
  • This person may feel superior to others. Excessive pride and condemnation of others arise from this.

Number 10 – The Lucky Person

Keywords: Luck, Positive, Believe in words

Positive perspective

  • This person is a truly lucky person and the darling of fortune
  • Gentle, easy to talk to, does not aspire to be a leader.
  • Ease of teamwork, energy and talent coupled with luck drives every project.
  • Go through life with ease, as if stress-free.
  • Open to everything new, easily mastering the necessary skills.
  • Positive thinking and cheerful, easy-going personality. Be willing to share all that the person has.

Negative perspective

  • When people feel anxious. Will start to get nervous and fussy. Negative changes begin to happen in life. This person immediately turns off the happiness journey. Grab every opportunity, work hard. And things got worse.
  • The wave of workaholics is replaced by laziness.
  • Afraid to make decisions, not wanting to take responsibility for themselves. Not ready to take the first steps in any business.

Number 11 – Justice (Justice)

Keywords: Lots of energy, High responsibility, Sports

Negative perspective

  • Has great physical strength, mental strength or verbal power if this person needs to convince people.
  • Hardworking, non-stop business, who cannot sit idle.
  • Love sports and can even choose a career related to fitness (instructor).
  • Low pain sensitivity threshold, making it invulnerable.
  • Have fun and live with an open mind.
  • Optimistic and ready for new acquaintances.
  • Can take on leadership positions and take on solutions to complex problems and take responsibility for others.

Negative perspective

  • It would be bad if this person began to use the power to the detriment of others and himself.
  • Begins to behave aggressively, arrogantly when involved in conflicts.
  • Not knowing how to relax and get upset with others if they are slow to do something or they are inactive.
  • Unable to adapt to the frequency of explosive activity and loss of internal force
  • Poor emotional and energy management.
  • Take control of loved ones too much and make them live at the person’s pace.
  • Intolerance to the weaknesses of others.

Number 12 – The Hanged Man

Keywords: Tolerance, Kindness, Empathy

Positive perspective

  • Creative and unusual from any information.
  • Generate ideas for multiple projects in any field of activity.
  • Self-discipline, the ability to manage situations and organization
  • Has a sincere loving heart and an open mind, attracts many people
  • Likes to help people altruistically, quickly, and with genuine compassion.
  • Often doing so much for others that they forget about their own needs.
  • Giving unconditional love with understanding and without judgment.

Negative perspective

  • Often cares too much about other people’s problems
  • Easily depressed, lethargic. Forgetting yourself and doing a lot of damage to yourself.
  • It’s easy to get lost when you lose a truly meaningful relationship with yourself
  • Carrying yourself too much of a burden to take care of others. And when this person doesn’t cope, just begins to ignore the situation.

Number 13 – The Death (The Death)

Keywords: Not afraid of death, Courage, Good memory

Positive perspective

  • Always surrounded by an atmosphere of mystery and puzzling mysticism.
  • Interested in different aspects of life.
  • Eager to learn and create
  • Easily respond to anything new and unusual.
  • Easily focus and act in the most difficult conditions without panic.
  • Understand the process of natural life cycles philosophically.
  • Lose fear of danger and death, love extremes

Negative perspective

  • Easy to distribute multiple things at once. While not completing something.
  • Always try to make changes and destroy by force in places where people are not ready for them.
  • Hard to guess even to yourself, being impermanent.
  • Outbursts and mood swings.
  • To pursue strong emotions and feelings. This person can take great risks, constantly walking on the edge of life and death
  • May fear for loved ones and care for them too much in the face of any danger.
  • Holding on to the past, those who have left their lives

Number 14 – The Temperance (The Temperance)

Keywords: Exquisite, Kind, Art

Positive perspective

  • This person has a mature outlook on life, regardless of age.
  • Has a refined artistic sense and loves everything related to the arts (theater, painting, poetry, architecture, etc.).
  • Intellectual activity, whereby the person is said to be a true expert in many fields at once.
  • Fluent in many languages.
  • Live in moderation, often have the right living habits. Modestly addicted to food and other physical pleasures.
  • Friendly and balanced lifestyle. Love animals and natural beauty.
  • It is possible to take on a leadership position, but do not strive for it.

Negative perspective

  • High sensitivity and vulnerability interfere with the enjoyment of beauty in life.
  • Sensitive and suspicious
  • There is a risk of many quite strong and harmful addictions.
  • Holding on to the past, unable to forgive and let go.
  • There are periods of emptiness and lack of self-belief.

Number 15 – The Devil (The Devil)

Keywords: Making the right decision, Temptation, Rhetoric

Positive perspective

  • Fun and full of energy
  • See through people, radiate a positive light.
  • Get ready for experiments and adventures.
  • Can control the situation and manage people so that events go in the right direction that the person needs.
  • Show your flaws in front of people through temptations to let them see and find their negative traits.
  • Do not be indifferent to the most luxurious things
  • Understand material values ​​– luxury items.
  • Not obsessed with material things and able to discuss the most delicate spiritual topics.
  • Wise in life, deeply understanding the nature of many things and able to give valuable advice.
  • Talented in many ways. Succeed in business and can literally captivate people..

Negative perspective

  • Extravagant love and needless lust for material possessions can turn this person away from the right path.
  • Excessive greed and selfishness can prevent this person from getting what he wants.
  • There are cases where the use of the gift is a magical ability. Providence for personal gain and black magic.
  • Overprotective of loved ones, showing tight control over them, and even aggression.
  • The power and manipulation of others does not lead to anything good.
  • Keep more and more material possessions. Sometimes you have to give a part, help others. So that finances can return to this person in even greater amounts.

Number 16 – The Tower

Keywords: Know yourself, Like to help, Enthusiasm

Positive perspective

  • Know how to live wisely here and now
  • See many things and things in a different way.
  • Thanks to the precious and rich life experience. This person can change the worldview. There are important lessons to be learned from what happened.
  • Dynamic and able to become a real leader and lead people.
  • Have a kind heart, often motivated by good ideas and willing to help people.
  • Possess valuable skills to work with large amounts of information and energy.
  • Can become a true spiritual leader for many people.
  • Be ready for self-development and complex transformation, both internally and in the surrounding society.

Negative perspective

  • Don’t get too attached to something, both mentally and physically
  • If this person does not grow, the world around this person will be forced to make it sharper, more unpredictable, and sadder.
  • Experiencing uncontrollable outbursts of anger and aggression.

Number 17 – The Star (The Star)

Keywords: Creativity, Imagination, Attraction

Positive perspective

  • This person is a real bright star from birth, has talent.
  • Easily stand out from the crowd.
  • Due to the strong sensitivity of energy. This person has a unique imagination and creative thinking.
  • There may be prophetic dreams.
  • Intuitive or extrasensory abilities are developed.
  • Kind and helpful, can cure everyone.

Negative perspective

  • Difficulty may arise in accepting the particular self and role.
  • Isolation, self-doubt, excessive modesty.
  • Can’t focus on one thing
  • The more hope is placed, the easier it is to lose valuable energy.
  • Disorganized, capricious, falling into apathy and creative crisis.
  • Weak character can also hinder success.

Number 18 – The Moon (The Moon)

Keywords: Diversity, positivity, creativity

Positive perspective

  • A profound person.
  • Possesses a kind of mysterious, mysterious charm.
  • Boasts a developed imagination and natural intuition.
  • There is a close connection with the Moon. This depends on the health of the person and all life cycles.
  • Can manage events and life with positive thinking.
  • Pretty simple thoughts come true thanks to a powerful energy.
  • There are many different interests and can develop in any direction this person is interested in.
  • Have a talent for writing.
  • Like to create a beautiful atmosphere around that person and surround yourself with beautiful people.
  • Information can be obtained from any source and processed quickly.

Negative perspective

  • Negative thinking can reduce this person’s all natural benefits to 0
  • Many fears and doubts can hinder growth.
  • Unfulfilled desires continue to torment this person and burn out.
  • The subtle nature is too receptive and there is a temptation to take revenge on offenders using voodoo abilities.

Number 19 – The Sun (The Sun)

Keywords: Positive, Open-minded, Dynamic

Positive perspective

  • Open and energetic, generously sharing talents with the world.
  • Easily win people’s love and love to be the center of attention.
  • Characterized by a leadership position and a positive attitude towards life.
  • Can’t worry for a long time. See failure as another step towards a global goal.
  • Dynamic, love social activities and willing to contribute non-stop without sacrifice. This person loves their loved ones very much and tries to make them as comfortable as possible
  • Have high ambitions and requirements for yourself. Live with purpose and can thrive in many different areas.

Negative perspective

  • It’s easy to become depressed if they can’t use energy and stay active.
  • Just one moment of reverse leads to indifference to everything and unwillingness to do anything.
  • Expression of aggression, unfounded pride.
  • Excessive control in relationships with loved ones will be even worse.
  • Imposing one’s will also does not yield the results this person wants to see.

Number 20 – The Judgment

Keywords: Courage, Love the unusual, Clairvoyance

Positive perspective

  • This person has a close relationship with his family.
  • It is possible to unite people and restore relationships in the family.
  • It is a gift of healing and powerful energy.
  • Intuition develops, often seeing prophetic dreams or receiving information from the outside.
  • The ability to see and feel the general lessons and recurring problems in the lives of others. From there help them with advice and pay attention to the important aspects to correct difficult situations in fate.
  • Know how to analyze information and communicate experience. Knowledge for everyone correctly.

Negative perspective

  • Use all skills to subdue people to your will.
  • Quite aggressive, showing impatience and disrespect towards those closest to them.
  • There is a danger of falling into silence and condemning everyone
  • See yourself as a measure of common values, get egotistical and stop communicating with loved ones.
  • Excessive craving for material possessions
  • There can be very difficult relationships with loved ones. The opposite situation can happen. From family phobia and fear of losing loved ones to bad relationships with family. Disrespect and even litigation with relatives

Number 21 – The world (The world)

Keywords: Diplomacy, Everywhere is home, Communication

Positive perspective

  • Love the peace and harmony around.
  • Tends to mediate warring parties and works wonders in diplomacy.
  • The ability to feel and see deeply into the nature of things.
  • Can act globally and bring good to many groups of people. The borders of the whole world are open to this person.
  • Bring positive ideals and engage people with those ideas.
  • This person easily learns foreign languages.
  • Easily adapts to new climates, cultures and circumstances.

Negative perspective

  • There are big plans and this person doesn’t execute them immediately or if it’s difficult
  • Can be subdued by impatience and despair. Do not believe in your own strength.
  • Be ungrateful for what the person has or may not be satisfied with the current situation.
  • Worst, instead of uniting people. This person can contribute to discord and incur destruction.
  • It is easy to withdraw into yourself and be hostile to the world, or to exaggerate scandals and conflicts.

Number 22 – The Fool (The Fool)

Keywords: Love freedom, Love to communicate, Openness

Positive perspective

  • Spontaneity of emotions, complete freedom and without all kinds of limitations and limitations.
  • Vibrant and active, not bound by material values ​​and belonging to the whole world.
  • Open-minded and inquisitive, easy to implement economies and lacks basic amenities.
  • Easy to master new paths, not afraid to leave the past behind.
  • There is no habit of clinging to attachments from the past.
  • Be creative and try to express a creative outlook on life.
  • Help people go beyond the imaginary boundaries of self-restraint and find true spiritual freedom.

Negative perspective

  • The longing for freedom is not controlled by the inner framework. This person has a tendency to do crazy things, violating every conceivable law and social norm.
  • This can also be expressed in a riotous life. Avoiding obligations, unwilling to take responsibility for anything.
  • Live only for yourself, indifferent to the needs and feelings of others. Less common is other extreme behavior.
  • Refusing to promote creativity, showing weakness, excessive caution.
  • Unable to leave a small living area due to some quest or a difficult situation

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Matrix Destiny Chart is one of the personality analysis systems along with Human Design, astrology, numerology, and more.







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