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Terraform module for Datadog Costs

This module will set up alerts to make sure you don't suddenly overspend on you datadog bill. It will also generate a costs dashboard

This module is part of a larger suite of modules that provide alerts in Datadog. Other modules can be found on the Terraform Registry

We have two base modules we use to standardise development of our Monitor Modules:

Modules are generated with this tool:

Example Usage

module "costs" {
  source = "kabisa/costs/datadog"

  notification_channel = ""
  env                  = "prd"
  alert_env            = "prd"

  # Example config, please adjust
  filter_str                 = "*"
  apm_hosts_critical         = 2
  apm_spans_critical         = 1000000
  apm_spans_warning          = 800000
  containers_critical        = 375
  custom_metrics_critical    = 10000
  hosts_critical             = 20
  logs_indexed_critical      = 150000
  logs_ingestion_4h_critical = 208000000
  logs_ingestion_critical    = 850000000
  logs_ingestion_warning     = 600000000

Module Variables


Monitor name Default enabled Priority Query
Apm Hosts True 4 avg(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.apm_hosts{tag:xxx} >
Apm Spans True 3 sum(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.apm.indexed_spans{tag:xxx}.as_count() >
Containers True 4 avg(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.containers{tag:xxx} >
Custom Metrics True 4 avg(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.metrics.custom{tag:xxx} >
Hosts True 4 avg(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.hosts{tag:xxx} >
Logs Indexed True 3 sum(last_4h):sum:custom_datadog.estimated_usage.logs.ingested_events{tag:xxx}.as_count() >
Logs Ingestion 4h True 3 sum(last_4h):sum:custom_datadog.estimated_usage.logs.ingested_bytes{tag:xxx}.as_count() >
Logs Ingestion True 3 sum(last_1d):sum:custom_datadog.estimated_usage.logs.ingested_bytes{tag:xxx}.as_count() >

Getting started developing

pre-commit was used to do Terraform linting and validating.


  • Install pre-commit. E.g. brew install pre-commit.
  • Run pre-commit install in this repo. (Every time you clone a repo with pre-commit enabled you will need to run the pre-commit install command)
  • That’s it! Now every time you commit a code change (.tf file), the hooks in the hooks: config .pre-commit-config.yaml will execute.

Apm Hosts


avg(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.apm_hosts{tag:xxx} > 
variable default required description
apm_hosts_enabled True No
apm_hosts_warning None No
apm_hosts_critical Yes
apm_hosts_evaluation_period last_1h No
apm_hosts_note "" No
apm_hosts_docs "" No
apm_hosts_filter_override "" No
apm_hosts_alerting_enabled True No
apm_hosts_priority 4 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Apm Spans


sum(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.apm.indexed_spans{tag:xxx}.as_count() > 
variable default required description
apm_spans_enabled True No
apm_spans_warning Yes
apm_spans_critical Yes
apm_spans_evaluation_period last_1h No
apm_spans_note "" No
apm_spans_docs "" No
apm_spans_filter_override "" No
apm_spans_alerting_enabled True No
apm_spans_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).



avg(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.containers{tag:xxx} > 
variable default required description
containers_enabled True No
containers_warning None No
containers_critical Yes
containers_evaluation_period last_1h No
containers_note "" No
containers_docs "" No
containers_filter_override "" No
containers_alerting_enabled True No
containers_priority 4 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Custom Metrics


avg(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.metrics.custom{tag:xxx} > 
variable default required description
custom_metrics_enabled True No
custom_metrics_warning None No
custom_metrics_critical Yes
custom_metrics_evaluation_period last_1h No
custom_metrics_note "" No
custom_metrics_docs "" No
custom_metrics_filter_override "" No
custom_metrics_alerting_enabled True No
custom_metrics_priority 4 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).



avg(last_1h):sum:datadog.estimated_usage.hosts{tag:xxx} > 
variable default required description
hosts_enabled True No
hosts_warning None No
hosts_critical Yes
hosts_evaluation_period last_1h No
hosts_note "" No
hosts_docs "" No
hosts_filter_override "" No
hosts_alerting_enabled True No
hosts_priority 4 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Logs Indexed


sum(last_4h):sum:custom_datadog.estimated_usage.logs.ingested_events{tag:xxx}.as_count() > 
variable default required description
logs_indexed_enabled True No
logs_indexed_warning None No
logs_indexed_critical Yes
logs_indexed_evaluation_period last_4h No
logs_indexed_note "" No
logs_indexed_docs "" No
logs_indexed_filter_override "" No
logs_indexed_alerting_enabled True No
logs_indexed_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Logs Ingestion 4h


sum(last_4h):sum:custom_datadog.estimated_usage.logs.ingested_bytes{tag:xxx}.as_count() > 
variable default required description
logs_ingestion_4h_enabled True No
logs_ingestion_4h_warning None No
logs_ingestion_4h_critical None No
logs_ingestion_4h_evaluation_period last_4h No
logs_ingestion_4h_note "" No
logs_ingestion_4h_docs "" No
logs_ingestion_4h_filter_override "" No
logs_ingestion_4h_alerting_enabled True No
logs_ingestion_4h_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Logs Ingestion


sum(last_1d):sum:custom_datadog.estimated_usage.logs.ingested_bytes{tag:xxx}.as_count() > 
variable default required description
logs_ingestion_enabled True No
logs_ingestion_warning Yes
logs_ingestion_critical Yes
logs_ingestion_evaluation_period last_1d No
logs_ingestion_note "" No
logs_ingestion_docs "" No
logs_ingestion_filter_override "" No
logs_ingestion_alerting_enabled True No
logs_ingestion_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Module Variables

variable default required description
env Yes
service Costs No
notification_channel Yes
additional_tags [] No
filter_str Yes
costs_dashboard_name_override "" No
locked True No