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Terraform module for Datadog Sql Server

This module requires the sql server integration to be configured. It has basic SQL Server monitoring. Locks, process blocked, connectivity. It's best to also use Datadog's APM instrumentation to understand the way the application is using the database. There's an upcoming feature in Datadog to fully support deep dive database monitoring.

This module is part of a larger suite of modules that provide alerts in Datadog. Other modules can be found on the Terraform Registry

We have two base modules we use to standardise development of our Monitor Modules:

Modules are generated with this tool:

Example Usage

module "sql_server" {
  source = "kabisa/sql-server/datadog"

  notification_channel       = ""
  service                    = "SQL Server"
  env                        = "prd"
  filter_str                 = "role:sqlserver"
  service_check_include_tags = ["role:sqlserver"]

Module Variables


Monitor name Default enabled Priority Query
Batches Compiled Percent True 4 avg(last_1d):(max:sqlserver.stats.sql_compilations{tag:xxx} by {host} / max:sqlserver.stats.batch_requests{tag:xxx} by {host}) * 100 >= 20
Buffer Cache Hit Ratio True 4 avg(last_1d):min:sqlserver.buffer.cache_hit_ratio{tag:xxx} by {host} * 100 < 75
Connections True 3 avg(last_30m):max:sqlserver.stats.connections{tag:xxx} by {host} >= 500
Database State True 1 max(last_5m):max:sqlserver.database.state{tag:xxx} by {host,database,database_state_desc} >= 5
Lock Waits True 4 avg(last_30m):max:sqlserver.stats.lock_waits{tag:xxx} by {host} > 20
Page Life Expectancy True 4 avg(last_1d):min:sqlserver.buffer.page_life_expectancy{tag:xxx} by {host} < 900
Procs Blocked True 3 avg(last_10m):max:sqlserver.stats.procs_blocked{tag:xxx} by {host} >= 1

Getting started developing

pre-commit was used to do Terraform linting and validating.


  • Install pre-commit. E.g. brew install pre-commit.
  • Run pre-commit install in this repo. (Every time you clone a repo with pre-commit enabled you will need to run the pre-commit install command)
  • That’s it! Now every time you commit a code change (.tf file), the hooks in the hooks: config .pre-commit-config.yaml will execute.

Batches Compiled Percent

When this metric is high, a lot of queries need to be recompiled. Consider parameterizing more queries by using stored procedures, using forced parameterization or allocating more memory.


avg(last_1d):(max:sqlserver.stats.sql_compilations{tag:xxx} by {host} / max:sqlserver.stats.batch_requests{tag:xxx} by {host}) * 100 >= 20
variable default required description
batches_compiled_percent_enabled True No
batches_compiled_percent_warning 10 No
batches_compiled_percent_critical 20 No
batches_compiled_percent_evaluation_period last_1d No
batches_compiled_percent_note "" No
batches_compiled_percent_docs When this metric is high, a lot of queries need to be recompiled. Consider parameterizing more queries by using stored procedures, using forced parameterization or allocating more memory. No
batches_compiled_percent_filter_override "" No
batches_compiled_percent_alerting_enabled True No
batches_compiled_percent_priority 4 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

When this metric is low, pages are often read from disk. Consider allocating more memory.


avg(last_1d):min:sqlserver.buffer.cache_hit_ratio{tag:xxx} by {host} * 100 < 75
variable default required description
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_enabled True No
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_warning 90 No
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_critical 75 No
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_evaluation_period last_1d No
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_note "" No
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_docs When this metric is low, pages are often read from disk. Consider allocating more memory. No
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_filter_override "" No
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_alerting_enabled True No
buffer_cache_hit_ratio_priority 4 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Can Connect

variable default required description
can_connect_enabled True No
can_connect_alerting_enabled True No
can_connect_warning 1 No
can_connect_critical 1 No
can_connect_priority 1 No
can_connect_docs "" No
can_connect_note "" No



avg(last_30m):max:sqlserver.stats.connections{tag:xxx} by {host} >= 500
variable default required description
connections_enabled True No
connections_warning 400 No
connections_critical 500 No
connections_evaluation_period last_30m No
connections_note "" No
connections_docs "" No
connections_filter_override "" No
connections_alerting_enabled True No
connections_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Database State


max(last_5m):max:sqlserver.database.state{tag:xxx} by {host,database,database_state_desc} >= 5
variable default required description
database_state_enabled True No
database_state_warning 1 No
database_state_critical 5 No
database_state_evaluation_period last_5m No
database_state_note "" No
database_state_docs "" No
database_state_filter_override "" No
database_state_alerting_enabled True No
database_state_priority 1 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Lock Waits

High numbers of lock waits per second is caused by lock contention. Try reducing lock contention by using more fine grained locking in the queries.


avg(last_30m):max:sqlserver.stats.lock_waits{tag:xxx} by {host} > 20
variable default required description
lock_waits_enabled True No
lock_waits_warning 10 No
lock_waits_critical 20 No
lock_waits_evaluation_period last_30m No
lock_waits_note "" No
lock_waits_docs High numbers of lock waits per second is caused by lock contention. Try reducing lock contention by using more fine grained locking in the queries. No
lock_waits_filter_override "" No
lock_waits_alerting_enabled True No
lock_waits_priority 4 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Page Life Expectancy

When this metric is low, pages are not being cached for a short time and often read from disk. Consider allocating more memory.


avg(last_1d):min:sqlserver.buffer.page_life_expectancy{tag:xxx} by {host} < 900
variable default required description
page_life_expectancy_enabled True No
page_life_expectancy_warning 1800 No
page_life_expectancy_critical 900 No
page_life_expectancy_evaluation_period last_1d No
page_life_expectancy_note "" No
page_life_expectancy_docs When this metric is low, pages are not being cached for a short time and often read from disk. Consider allocating more memory. No
page_life_expectancy_filter_override "" No
page_life_expectancy_alerting_enabled True No
page_life_expectancy_priority 4 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Procs Blocked

High number of procs blocked can indicate deadlocks. Check for deadlocks by investigating which queries are waiting for locks to be released.


avg(last_10m):max:sqlserver.stats.procs_blocked{tag:xxx} by {host} >= 1
variable default required description
procs_blocked_enabled True No
procs_blocked_warning None No
procs_blocked_critical 1 No
procs_blocked_evaluation_period last_10m No
procs_blocked_note "" No
procs_blocked_docs High number of procs blocked can indicate deadlocks. Check for deadlocks by investigating which queries are waiting for locks to be released. No
procs_blocked_filter_override "" No
procs_blocked_alerting_enabled True No
procs_blocked_priority 3 No Number from 1 (high) to 5 (low).

Module Variables

variable default required description
env Yes
filter_str Yes
service Yes
notification_channel Yes
additional_tags [] No
name_prefix "" No
name_suffix "" No
locked True No
service_check_include_tags None No
service_check_exclude_tags None No