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Releases: kachnitel/RideTime

Sign out call to unsubscribe the device from notifications

07 Jan 09:43
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Device should no longer receive notifications for user after he signed out.

[API 0.9.0] Send `notificationsToken` in signup / signin

07 Jan 09:42
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Notification token is no longer sent in a separate request to the API, instead it is requested on sign in / up.

Stores now also reset when signing out, removing membership and friendship data

Show sign in error message in a view rather than alert

07 Jan 09:40
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Allows actually restarting the sign in process if it fails and the alert doesn't pop up blocker by the browser

General ride creation/list improvements

07 Jan 09:37
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e36fb4a fix: Hide 0 "fallback" difficulty from TrailFilter
a6ac4ab wip: Replace RangeSlider with ModalViewMenu
f1616f4 fix: Saving a new ride now adds it to "My events"
200eb05 feat: Invert colors in ButtonIcon
7a5467b feat: Invites badge in "My rides" on RidesScreen
cf14a4e feat: Show rides in "My locations" in RidesScreen

Show user's favourite locations in Select Location Screen

07 Jan 09:34
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Invites in `My rides` on RidesScreen

07 Jan 09:33
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Also added a slightly improved icon

Event privacy

29 Dec 07:56
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Added privacy / visibility settings in Event (Ride)

Allows user to set who can see the event, and whether anyone can join or if members need to be approved by existing members of the event.

  • Default settings are:

    • private: false: Anyone can join the event automatically
    • visibility: public: Anyone can see the event
  • Set on CreateRide in a Privacy settings link




  • Anyone who joins the event must be approved by a confirmed member from a menu in the Event Detail Screen
  • Invited users join automatically when accepting invite or joining from the Event Detail Screen


  • Anyone who joins the event is automatically accepted




  • Anyone can see the event


  • Only members and invited users can see the event


  • Only friends of creating user can see the event


  • Only friends of confirmed members can see the event

Map/My rides/Friends' rides tabs in RidesScreen

29 Dec 07:46
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Add tabs to RidesScreen, Friends' rides tab loads friends rides from API
General Events polishing
Update API calls to remove deprecated calls in API 0.8.0, migrate location endpoints to filter

Comments support

20 Dec 09:16
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Added support for comments on rides coming a step closer to make the app actually useful for planning rides!


  • Only members can comment on an event
  • Members receive a notification about new messages


  • Filter friends in event invite modal
  • Changed invites icon in rides screen

Load filtered routes/trails from API when filter is updated

17 Dec 05:58
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Filter data background refresh

When filtering routes or trails the app now shows filtered results while loading fresh data from API on the background, ensuring all entities are searchable in case the location originally didn't load all (limit is currently set at 100, WBP is over limit for trails)

Other fixes

  • Sort events by their datetime on RidesScreen
  • Correctly position markers on RidesScreen map (centered over location rather than anchored at the bottom)
  • Trim search string when filtering routes/trails