Waiter Project for COMP3900/9900 20T1
The aim of this Project is to design and develop a software-driven system to be used in Restaurants to automate and digitize Restaurant functionalities to make things faster and more convenient for both restaurant staff and customers, highly scalable to meet demand and cheaper to operate than traditional restaurant systems that are entirely human dependent.
This project contains the following applications
- Waitless - Used by Restaurant Manager to create / update / organize Restaurant Menu
- Front-End is built using Bootstrap
- Back-End API is a Python / Flask-RESTX application, which serves as the Central REST API Server for all the applications in this Project.
Android Tablet Apps - Developed in Android Studio
- CustomerApp - Used by Customers to view Menu / place Orders / interact with Wait Staff
- KitchenStaffApp - Used by Restaurant Kitchen Staff to view / update Customer Orders
- WaiterApp - Used by Restaurant Wait Staff to serve Customer Orders and Assistance Requests
GitHub UserId | Student Name | zId |
danielh3 | Daniel He | z5167773 |
DanKYoo | Dankoon Yoo | z5116090 (Scrum Master) |
kaixiang1212 | Kai Xiang Yong | z5175681 |
kavithakn | Kavitha Narayanan | z5190588 |
mchen97 | Matthew Chen | z5075025 |
It is assumed that:
- Python 3.6.5 or above is installed.
- An instance of MongoDB is installed and running on the same machine.
- Android Studio latest version is installed.
MongoDB - Ensure MongoDB server is running on 'localhost' and listening on port '27017'
Waitless Web Application
- Navigate to Project folder and execute the following commands.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
to install the Project dependency packages.python3 setup.py
to setup a Sample Restaurant Menu with Images.python3 run.py
to start the Python/Flask-RESTX application.
- Navigate to Project folder and execute the following commands.
Android Tablet Apps
- CustomerApp
- KitchenStaffApp
- WaiterApp
To Setup / Run the above mentioned Apps, Please refer to User Manual for detailed information and steps