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Hulu clone build with two powerfull tchnologies React js framework Next js and css framework Tailwind CSS.We used server side rendering for fetching data from tmdb api. Display of movies will change according to category.In this we used lot of animation effect.Also with help of tailwind CSS it is responsive from small devices to 4k devices.

home page


Key Features

Nextjs server side rendering
Nextjs image component
TMDB api data for display search reult
Animation effect used 
Super responsive
Categorywise search
Hovering effects
Scrollbar on horizontal side

Key Technologies

Next Image
Server Side Rendering(SSR)
TMDB API for search result

Next.js + Tailwind CSS Example

This example shows how to use Tailwind CSS (v2.2) with Next.js. It follows the steps outlined in the official Tailwind docs.

It uses the new Just-in-Time Mode for Tailwind CSS.


Preview the example live on StackBlitz:

Open in StackBlitz

Deploy your own

Deploy the example using Vercel:

Deploy with Vercel

How to use

Execute create-next-app with npm or Yarn to bootstrap the example:

npx create-next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example with-tailwindcss with-tailwindcss-app

Deploy it to the cloud with Vercel (Documentation).