Get historical data from Bitso ( OHLC csv format.
You can get list of available books from their API
Get GIT if you don't have it yet
Get Node.JS if you don't have it yet
Execute the next lines within a Terminal window in your Pc/Laptop/Mac
git clone
cd bitso-historical-data
For example: Download all historical data btc_mxn 1h candles from 2020-01-01 to 2021-01-01 and save to output.csv (candle size in seconds 3600s)
node index.js btc_mxn output.csv 2020-01-01 2021-01-01 3600
Valid values for timeframe
- 60 (1 min)
- 300 (5 min)
- 900 (15 min)
- 1800 (30 min)
- 3600 (1 h)
- 14400 (4 h)
- 21600 (6 h)
- 43200 (12 h)
- 86400 (1 d)
- 259200 (3 d)
- 604800 (7 d)
In example.csv you can see an example output.
This code uses an undocumented WS so if for some reason it won't work anymore you can use a slower version (index_slow.js) which rebuilds candles from order history.