Changes in a project.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
Added comparing resources using their ID
Added default values for fields in Task
Objects are refreshed after creating or updating
method to reload objects -
Added helper methods for client and resources to handle sub-objects
Added support for subtasks
[dev] Added CodeQL check to the CI
[dev] Added pre-commit hooks to check formatting
[dev] Added optional functional tests to validate library against real server
[dev] Added sorting methods using
[dev] Added experimental strict typing
- Redesigned way how fields of resources are defined
- Declared only minimal direct dependencies for the library, CI configured to run tests against minimal and newest dependencies.
- Fields like creation date are now read-only.
- The task's body supports now both types
- Fields missed previously are added
- Removed support for Python older than 3.9
- Fixed listing task lists due to wrong API responses on simple request
- Example file may be outdated, use
as reference - Documentation is outdated, use tests as reference
- Type hints for fields may create confusions
- Basic docs with library interface reference
- Switching to the new ToDo API
as not supported by the new API
- Mark Task as complete
- Create TaskList and Task
- List attachments in task
- Filtering TaskList on when listed
- Simple support for filtering operators
- Support URLs with or without
at the begin or end
can display custom messages- Support deleting Task and TaskList
- Support updating Task and TaskList
- Converting resource to dict
- Resources have explicitly init methods
- Package metadata updated
- Converting dates when aren't present in data dict
- Type annotations
- Package readme in PyPI
- Login manually with personal MS Account
- Read task's lists
- Read task
- Initial Readme, Contributing and code-style tools
- Package building
- CI automation