This script is a handful tool when you need a php enviroment (development or production) but with all the binaries installed natively in your operative system, no docker no vagrant, this is also a ideal tool to setup php servers on linux
lemptool is a rewrite of the the old dead xnmp bash script tool, with more reobust functionalities.
This script is compatible only for debian and ubuntu it uses sury php repos to allow you install multiple php versions on the same machine. The php installation option on this package also install commons php libraries for laravel development, and is intend for nginx with fpm usage.
Just clone the project and go to the project folder.
$ git clone
$ cd native-lemp-tool
Then jsut run the script as sudo with the -i argument and it will install all you need for a common php enviroment.
$ sudo ./lemptool -i
A set of things will happen then make sure to read every confirmation message before continuing.
You can also pass the --help argument in order to display some other options bundle in this script
$sudo ./lemptool --help
lemptool [--option1 --option2 -y ...] [--param1=value1_2 value2_2 --param2=value2_1 ...]
Option arguments are value less, instead with param arguments you can pass
string values after the (=) sing.
-i, --install Proceed to setup repo and install:
nginx + php + mariadb + extra-laravel-development
deb packages.
-y You can pass this option to skip all the confirmation
messages, is valid for all th below commands/options
-pki= --package-install= Installs os packages.
Usage example:
$ ./lemptool -pki=htop nodejs git
-ng --nginx-install Installs Nginx server.
-mdb --mariadb-install Installs Mariadb version 10.6.
--mariadb-user-db-create Creates a new Mariadb user and a new db with the same
name as user, also grant all rights to that user on
the newly created database.
It needs a user and a password as parameters.
Usage example:
$ ./lemptool --mariadb-user-db-create=user password host
--mariadb-superuser-create Creates a new Mariadb superuser. and gran all rights
Usage example:
$ ./lemptool --mariadb-superuser-create=user password host
-p= --php-install= Installs a php version on system together with
dependencies for laravel development,it also
installs composer.
When used the php version must be passed
as param value.
Usage example:
$ ./lemptool -p=8.0
-fpm= --php-fpm-create= Creates a new php fpm pool, using a template,
it need a valid os user name as a param value.
Usage example:
$ ./lemptool -fpm=myusername
--fpm-ng-server-create Creates a new (laravel in mind), nginx server unit
together with a existing valid fpm pool, a domain
and local public files path to serve as params.
Usage example:
$ ./lemptool --fpm-ng-server-create="fpm-name" "domain" "/public/path"
-lemp It takes a OS user create a folder at /var/www/ with the name of
that user, it solflink it from user home folder and create and
runs --fpm-ng-server-create and --mariadb-user-db-create
Usage example:
$ ./lemptool lemp="username" "domain" "dbpassword"
--phpmyadmin-install Installs phpmyadmin from official source.
It does so using fpm, so it create a php-fpm with
a os 'phpmyadmin' user, also it create an nginx server