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A Go driver for SQLite3. It covers all the basic + advanced functions.
Full documentation: TODO.

Feature Highlights

  • Reliable concurrent functionality
  • Built-in functions
    • DataTable (with built-in paging, and update(), export to CSV)
    • Turn AutoIncrement on/off
    • Copy tables to other databases
    • Rename/Drop tables
    • ...
  • Open() database wrappers (i.e. in-memory, V2,...)
  • Automatic optimization (e.g. shrinking database files).


func CreateDatabase(dbFilePath string) error
func Open(dbFilePath string, pragma ...string) (*DB, error)
func OpenMemory(vfsName ...string) (*DB, error)
func openV2(dbFilePath string, flag, vfsName string, pragma []string) (*DB, error) 
func OpenV2Exclusive(dbFilePath string, pragma ...string) (*DB, error)
func OpenV2Readonly(dbFilePath string, pragma ...string) (*DB, error)
func OpenV2FullOption(dbFilePath string, vfsName string, flags, pragma ...string) (*DB, error)
func OpenV2(dbFilePath string, pragma ...string) (*DB, error)

func (rs *Rows) Columns() ([]string, error)
func (rs *Rows) Close() error
func (r *Result) Error() error
func (d *DB) Exec(query string, placeHolders ...any) Result
func (r *Result) LastInsertId() (int64, error)
func (rs *Rows) Next() bool
func (r *Result) RowsAffected() (int64, error)
func (rs *Rows) Scan(dest ...any) error
func (d *DB) Prepare(sqlx string, placeHolders []any) (
        Stmt,   /* A pointer to the prepared statement */
        string, /* (pzTail) End of parsed string (unused portion of zSql) */
func (d *DB) TxBegin() (string, error)
func (d *DB) TxRollback(txID string) error 
func (d *DB) TxCommit(txID string) error

A few things to note

Opening Databases

You can use any of the open() functions (above) to open a database.
To create a new database you must call CreateDatabase() first; as a database-file will not automatically be created by only calling an open() function.

There is no initialization via a database interface; i.e. open() will send the caller's request directory to the SQLite's C code; equivalently, Close() will directly close the database file handle.
Although no stadard interface is used, the most populare functions have been implemented (i.e. Scan(), Next(),... see above).

Asynchronous Operations

Asynchronous read operation is only implemented via GetDataTableAsync(). All other read operations are processed synchronously (FIFO).
Please, note that all write operations are processed synchronously as SQLite3 locks the database file for each write operation.

GetDataTableAsync(callback func(*DataTable), query string, placeHolders ...any) (*DataTable, error) 


func BackupOnlineDB(
	onlineDB *DB, /* Pointer to an open database to back up */
	filePathBackupTo string, /* Full path of the file to back up to */
	millSecToSleepBeforeRepeating int, /* wait-time between copying pages */
	prgCallback func(xPagesCopied int, yTotalPages int, data string), /* Progress function to invoke */
	extraData string, /* extra data to send to callback */
	options ...string /*backup_raise_err_on_busy ir backup_raise_err_on_dblocked*/) error

You can take a backup of a database, while a database is online (has open file handles).
You have the option of waiting between pages or take a quick backup without waiting.
An additional parameter has been added to the callback func to pass extra data (e.g. JSON) rather than only pagesCpied and totalPages.


func (d *DB) Execute(sqlx string) (int64, error)

Execute() uses the sqlite3_exec() function in one go rather than prepare, step,...
It tends to be faster, but it does not take any prepared statements.
SQLite3 offers a callback (sqlite3_exec_callback()) to get the result-set for SQL satements executed via Execute().

You can use GetResultSet() and wait for the callback to gather all result rows:

func (d *DB) GetResultSet(sqlx string) QueryResult

SQL tail - unused portion of an SQL statement

You can add an unrelated text to the end of your SQL satement for passing additional information.
SQLite3 parses the useful part so the sql [text] and executes the SQL statement accordingly (without throwing error for the extra text).
For example, use can the following SQL statement with the Exec() func:

UPDATE MyTable SET Column_1 = 'Green Dalphin' WHERE MyTableID = 99; chicago branch

File Group

All databases are tracked and maintained in the background. Every time a database is opened, its file handle and description are added to a global list. All databases in the global list are monitored and optimized (i.e. vacuumed), when they are idle.
Opening databases can also be done via DBGrp.Get() as the following example:

fp := "/my_database.sqlite"
db, _err_ := gosqlite.DBGrp.Get(fp)
if err != nil {

t, err := db[0].InMemory.CreateTable("CREATE TEMP TABLE _Variables(Name TEXT PRIMARY KEY, RealValue REAL, IntegerValue INTEGER, BlobValue BLOB, TextValue TEXT);")
if err != nil {

Repair Corrupted Files

There many be a chance to repair a corrupted database file, if only its header is missing and/or invalid.
You can use

func RepairSqlite3FileStub(bDBContent []byte) []byte 

to repair a database file. RepairSqlite3FileStub() replaces the header of the database file with an empty stub:

const sqlite3_dbfile_emtpy_header = "53514c69746520666f726d6174203300100002020040202000017e1e00000009"

Usage Example

package main

import (
    gosqlite ""
func main() {

	// ------------- in memory -------------

	db, err := gosqlite.OpenMemory()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("OpenMemory() ", strings.Repeat(".", 3), " failed ", err.Error())
	defer db.Close()

	sqlx := fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS my_city (
        Name TEXT NOT NULL,
        LastVisited TEXT NULL);
        CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS INX_my_city ON my_city (Name);
        insert into my_city
        select 1,'Chicago','%s' where not exists(select 1 from my_city where Name='Chicago'); 
    `, time.Now().Add((-12820)*time.Hour))

	_, err = db.Execute(sqlx)
	if err != nil {
		log.Println("Execute() => creat table:", err)
	fmt.Println("create-table", strings.Repeat(".", 22), "pass")

	sqlx = fmt.Sprintf(`select * from my_city`)
	rs := db.GetResultSet(sqlx)
	if rs.Err != nil {
		log.Fatal("GetResultSet()", strings.Repeat(".", 19), " failed ", err.Error())

	if len(rs.ResultTable) > 0 {
		cityName := rs.ResultTable[0]["Name"].(string)
		lstVisted := rs.ResultTable[0]["LastVisited"].(string)
		lstVistedShortDT := strings.Split(lstVisted, ".")[0]
		lstVistedShortDT = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", lstVistedShortDT, strings.Split(lstVisted, " ")[3])

		fmt.Println("GetResultSet()", strings.Repeat(".", 20), "pass")
		fmt.Println(" City LastVisited")
		fmt.Println("", cityName, lstVistedShortDT)
	} else {
		fmt.Println("GetResultSet()", "failed result-table is empty")

	// ------------- with file -------------

	dbFilePath := ".../db/guitar-is-the-song.sqlite"
	_, err = os.Stat(dbFilePath)
	if os.IsNotExist(err) {

	sqlx = `
		Content BLOB NOT NULL,
		DateTimeCreated TEXT NOT NULL);`
	dbx, err := gosqlite.DBGrp.Get(dbFilePath)
	_, err = dbx[0].Execute(sqlx)
	if err != nil {

	var rowsAffected int64
	var res gosqlite.Result
	for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
		sqlx = `INSERT INTO Logs(LogType,Content,DateTimeCreated)VALUES(?,?,?)`
		res = dbx[0].Exec(sqlx, "BLOB", []byte("hello world"), time.Now().String())
		rowsAffectedOne, _ := res.RowsAffected()
		rowsAffected += rowsAffectedOne
		fmt.Printf("\rinserted %d", rowsAffected)
	lastID, _ := res.LastInsertId()
	fmt.Println("\nrowsAffected:", rowsAffected, "LastInsertedID:", lastID)	

	// ------------- database description -------------

	desc := dbx[0].Describe()
	fmt.Println("db size:", desc.Size, "last modified:", desc.LastModified.String()[:19])

	fmt.Printf("--- tables (%d) ---\n", len(desc.Tables))
	for i := 0; i < len(desc.Tables); i++ {
		fmt.Printf("%s%s\n", strings.Repeat(" ", 3), desc.Tables[i].Name)
		for j := 0; j < len(desc.Tables[i].Columns); j++ {
			isPrimary := ""
			if desc.Tables[i].Columns[j].IsPrimaryKey {
				isPrimary = "Primary Key"
			isNull := "NULL"
			if desc.Tables[i].Columns[j].NotNULL {
				isNull = "NOT NULL"
			fmt.Printf("%s%s %s %s %s\n", strings.Repeat(" ", 6),
				desc.Tables[i].Columns[j].Name, isPrimary,
				desc.Tables[i].Columns[j].DataType, isNull)