Convex relaxations are used in typical methods for global optimization and reachable set generation. Suppose that:
- we have an implicit function
$\mathbf{x}$ defined in terms of a known residual function$\mathbf{f}$ as satisfying:
- we can also generate convex/concave relaxations
$\mathbf{f}^{\text{cv}}/\mathbf{f}^{\text{cc}}$ for$\mathbf{f}$ on$P$ , perhaps using McCormick.jl, and - we
know a box
$X\subset\mathbb{R}^{n_x}$ containing the range of$\mathbf{x}$ .
repository illustrates our new approach for constructing
convex/concave relaxations for the unknown implicit function
This implementation was developed by Huiyi Cao in Julia. This repository is tied to the accompanying article, and will not be updated except for bug fixes. If you make use of this code, please cite our article:
Huiyi Cao and Kamil A. Khan, General convex relaxations of implicit functions and inverse functions, Journal of Global Optimization, in press, 2023. doi:10.1007/s10898-023-01281-0
This work was supported by the McMaster Advanced Control Consortium (MACC), and by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) under Grant RGPIN-2017-05944.
- McCormick.jl v0.13.1
- DataFrames.jl v1.3.4
- IntervalArithmetic.jl v0.20.6
- JuMP.jl v0.21.5
- Ipopt.jl v0.6.5
- NLsolve.jl v4.5.1
- Plots.jl v1.31.3
- LaTeXStrings v1.3.0
With the setup described above, we describe convex/concave relaxations
of the implicit function
When linearity or monotonicity can be exploited, these relaxations are evaluated
particularly easily. This formulation is simple and versatile, and does not actually require existence or uniqueness of