Clone the repository git clone
Switch to the repo folder
nstall all the dependencies using composer
composer install
Copy the example env file and make the required configuration changes in the .env file
cp .env.example .env
Generate a new application key
php artisan key:generate
Start the local development server
php artisan serve
You can now access the server at http://localhost:8000
"swivel.postman_collection.json" and "swivel-local.postman_environment.json" files are import to post man
double check postman evoronment with serve url
- GET Main Types
REQUEST : curl --location --request GET ''
RESPONSE :- { "status": 200, "description": "OK", "data": { "organizations": "Organizations", "tickets": "Tickets", "users": "Users" } }
- GET Fields
REQUEST : curl --location --request GET '{main_types}'
@apiParam {String} main_types [ organizations , tickets, users ]
RESPONSE :- { "status": 200, "description": "OK", "data": { "_id": "Id", "url": "Url", .................... } }
-- POST Search
----@apiParam {String} main_types, [ organizations , tickets, users ] ----@apiParam {String} field ----@apiParam {String} keyword
REQUEST :- curl --location --request POST ''
RESPONSE :- status": 200, "description": "OK", "data": { "87db32c5-76a3-4069-954c-7d59c6c21de0": { "_id": "87db32c5-76a3-4069-954c-7d59c6c21de0", "url": "", "external_id": "1c61056c-a5ad-478a-9fd6-38889c3cd728", "created_at": "2016-07-06T11:16:50 -10:00", "type": "problem", "subject": "A Problem in Morocco", "description": "Sit culpa non magna anim. Ea velit qui nostrud eiusmod laboris dolor adipisicing quis deserunt elit amet.", "priority": "urgent", "status": "solved", "submitter_id": 14, "assignee_id": 7, "organization_id": 118, "tags": [ "Texas", "Nevada", "Oregon", "Arizona" ], "has_incidents": true, "due_at": "2016-08-19T07:40:17 -10:00", "via": "voice", "organization_name": "Limozen", "submitter_name": "Shepherd Joseph", "assignee_name": "Lou Schmidt" }, "fc5a8a70-3814-4b17-a6e9-583936fca909": { "_id": "fc5a8a70-3814-4b17-a6e9-583936fca909", "url": "", "external_id": "e8cab26b-f3b9-4016-875c-b0d9a258761b", "created_at": "2016-07-08T07:57:15 -10:00", "type": "problem", "subject": "A Nuisance in Kiribati", "description": "Ipsum reprehenderit non ea officia labore aute. Qui sit aliquip ipsum nostrud anim qui pariatur ut anim aliqua non aliqua.", "priority": "high", "status": "open", "submitter_id": 1, "assignee_id": 19, "organization_id": 120, "tags": [ "Minnesota", "New Jersey", "Texas", "Nevada" ], "has_incidents": true, "via": "voice", "organization_name": "Andershun", "submitter_name": "Francisca Rasmussen", "assignee_name": "Francis Rodrigüez" }, ....................... }}
- GET Organization - Table
REQUEST : curl --location --request GET ''
RESPONSE :- { "status": 200, "description": "OK", "data": { "current_page": 3, "data": { "20": { "_id": 121, "url": "", "external_id": "3fffbf20-9172-4d1d-923b-f247d9132e3a", "name": "Hotcâkes", "domain_names": [ "", "", "", "" ], "created_at": "2016-01-02T06:07:59 -11:00", "details": "MegaCorp", "shared_tickets": true, "tags": [ "Howard", "Moreno", "Benton", "Bonner" ] }, ............................. }, "from": 21, "to": 25, "last_page": 3, "pre_page": 10, "total": 25 } }
- GET Users - Table
REQUEST :- curl --location --request GET ''
RESPONSE :- "status": 200, "description": "OK", "data": { "current_page": 3, "data": { "20": { "_id": 21, "url": "", "external_id": "b4524a24-212a-4ce5-ba6b-c488b72a3ad5", "name": "Leon Oneil", "alias": "Miss Dee", "created_at": "2016-03-01T03:12:09 -11:00", "active": true, "verified": false, "shared": true, "locale": "de-CH", "timezone": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "last_login_at": "2014-12-10T06:19:41 -11:00", "email": "", "phone": "9314-713-633", "signature": "Don't Worry Be Happy!", "organization_id": 110, "tags": [ "Faxon", "Bellfountain", "Gracey", "Muir" ], "suspended": false, "role": "admin" }, ................................. }, "from": 21, "to": 30, "last_page": 8, "pre_page": 10, "total": 75 } }
- GET Tickets - Table
REQUEST :- curl --location --request GET ''
RESPONSE :- { "status": 200, "description": "OK", "data": { "current_page": 10, "data": { "90": { "_id": "6e77bbf1-5fc7-4f41-aeb1-74f8730f974b", "url": "", "external_id": "3ce8b7f5-952b-485a-a6c3-8d5259d3850a", "created_at": "2016-06-24T07:57:38 -10:00", "type": "problem", "subject": "A Problem in Guatemala", "description": "Ex labore dolor commodo magna ex pariatur sunt amet ad quis duis laborum. Fugiat anim non esse eu sunt elit.", "priority": "high", "status": "open", "submitter_id": 49, "assignee_id": 26, "organization_id": 119, "tags": [ "Texas", "Nevada", "Oregon", "Arizona" ], "has_incidents": true, "due_at": "2016-08-01T11:20:58 -10:00", "via": "voice" }, ................................................. }, "from": 91, "to": 100, "last_page": 20, "pre_page": 10, "total": 200 } }