This component is useful for situations where you are trying to fit components (e.g. menu/tab navigation) into a horizontal space that could be limited by screen width. It is a simple, lightweight approach that adds scroll arrows when the contents overflow.
Add package:
# yarn
yarn add @kapost/react-component-slider
# npm
npm install --save @kapost/react-component-slider
Import component:
import ComponentSlider from "@kapost/react-component-slider";
Import base styles (modify for your pipeline tool of choice):
@import "@kapost/react-component-slider/lib/stylesheets/component-slider"
{ inline elements }
Render any arbitrary number of children. This component is designed for inline / horizontally-oriented elements.
Override what renders for the arrows/navigation. Defaults to:
renderLeftArrow: () => <span>←</span>,
renderRightArrow: () => <span>→</span>,
It's difficult to test resizing behavior of this nature without writing integration tests. Due to the simplicity of the component, I opted not to do that.